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I just wanted to say thanks to all the baseball moms here. I am a self proclaimed "Crazy Baseball Mom" who really loves the game. At the park when people are talking park rules, situations, players, etc, I'm normally the only female there who really gets into it. I was beginning to think I was really unusual, but seeing you guys here as into it as I am, I know I can't be too crazy.

BTW, my son is only 8, so hopefully I have a long time still that I get to watch him, and my daughter will be starting soon, too. Smile
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Yes always-late there are a few of us crazy mom's out there. Spend enough time here and you will see you are not alone. I love the game. I could watch from morning til night and not even know the kids playing. My husband, on the other hand, if he doesn't know the kids, he's done. Even got the game on now as I do all the laundry (filled mostly with dirty uniforms!)
Originally posted by BBfam:
I love the game. I could watch from morning til night and not even know the kids playing. Even got the game on now as I do all the laundry

And for us crazies, even when it gets to the pro level, we are there (even if only in spirit). Many are amazed that we listen to ALL of son's team games, even ones where we know he will not get into the game in relief because he just threw the day before or whenever. It is an addiction and, to be totally honest, I don't need a twelve step program for this one !!!

Oh yes, and as I am sure you all know ... those who don't have kids involved in the game ... well, they just don't (and never will) get it. It is totally unlike any other sport.
... and if you are the catchers mom, EVERY kid that tries to run on your son is OUT - doesn't matter how close it is, or what base it is to - he's O-U-T!
You are right, NOBODY gets it like fellow baseball moms. I am the yougest in my family - my older siblings are done with this stage of life - they can't understand why I would rather go to my son's ball game than anything else! And they have never seen him play -because we are in CA and they are all in MN>>.....So I have a lot of "baseball sisters"!!We ARE lucky, arent we???
Originally posted by HitaHomer1:
My husband likes going, but he thinks I am crazy b/c I do not want to miss one second of the games. He makes fun of me about it.

Boy can I relate to that ... not as far as hubby goes because he and I are on the same page for that but as far as going to a game with others ... geesh !!! They still don't get it ... even after seeing me use multiple colored inks to keep score of every pitch of every game (not so much now but definitely in high school and college and anytime he started a game on the mound ...)

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