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After much discussion, my son (a 2017) has decided to stop pursuing D3 college baseball.  He has informed us that he would rather study abroad during college (probably at least 2 semesters).    He said going to camps was making baseball not "fun" any longer and he did not want 4 years of added stress when college in and of itself is hard and stressful.    He also said he understands that at the D3 level (and probably all levels) it is a continuous competition for a roster spot and playing time.    He said he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.   I am glad that he is mature enough to come to us with this. 

I wish all of you much success and thank you for all of your advice and assistance.   I will keep reading posts just to keep up with what is going on in the baseball recruiting world.  But this spring will be his last baseball season other than possibly playing Legion ball in the summer.

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Thank you so much.  Yes, you are correct, we only want him to be happy.  I think after going to Europe last spring with the AP Euro class, he got the travel bug...and he really wants to study at the London School of Economics.  He can play int. sports at college and just have fun.  He is a good all around athlete - he is on the HS golf team, plays rec basketball and tennis.    I never want either of my boys to be stressed out.  I hear too many very sad stories about kids who are stressed and what happens to them.    Thank you again and I will continue to support college athletes.  They are my favorite to watch.

RKBH posted:

After much discussion, my son (a 2017) has decided to stop pursuing D3 college baseball.  He has informed us that he would rather study abroad during college (probably at least 2 semesters).    He said going to camps was making baseball not "fun" any longer and he did not want 4 years of added stress when college in and of itself is hard and stressful.    He also said he understands that at the D3 level (and probably all levels) it is a continuous competition for a roster spot and playing time.    He said he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.   I am glad that he is mature enough to come to us with this. 

I wish all of you much success and thank you for all of your advice and assistance.   I will keep reading posts just to keep up with what is going on in the baseball recruiting world.  But this spring will be his last baseball season other than possibly playing Legion ball in the summer.

You have a very mature and practical son - good luck to him.  He will do well in his endeavors.

Last edited by Gov

I applaud your sincerity and willingness to share RKBH.  It really does show just how mature your son is and all the positive traits you have instilled in him.  Went through this with one of mine in football and I always revert to the advice he received from a wise old linebacker coach on the recruiting trail, "Don't make this about the next four years, make it about the next forty!"  All the best to your son, he sounds like a good guy with a great head on his shoulders.

CatsPop posted:

I applaud your sincerity and willingness to share RKBH.  It really does show just how mature your son is and all the positive traits you have instilled in him.  Went through this with one of mine in football and I always revert to the advice he received from a wise old linebacker coach on the recruiting trail, "Don't make this about the next four years, make it about the next forty!"  All the best to your son, he sounds like a good guy with a great head on his shoulders.

Thank you for this post. You brought tears to my eyes.   He definately has a special ability to see what is in front of him and beyond.  He has enough self confidence to be an individual.  It is one of the traits I admire most in him.  Thank you for the post and thanks to everyone for their good wishes.  Love this site. 

Dominik85 posted:

if he elects to study in europe there are many adult Amateur leagues here on different Levels from Weekend hack to quite good Levels (former college Players and sometimes even former minor league Players).

Thank you - I will certainly have him look into this.  He does love baseball but he loves having fun with it and I guess does not want it to be a "job".  He is thinking London but could do Scotland also...he absolutely loved Munich, Germany when he was there but so far we have not found many study abroad programs in the schools he is interested that allow the students to study there.    Thank you again and if you want to PM me since you live "somewhere in Europe" and give me some tips on Amatuer leagues there or where to look on-line for that info, that would be terrific.

NYdad2017 posted:

I think it's great when kids decide which path is better for them. Rather than have it be decided by someone else. Don't have any regrets. He's done a great job up until now and I believe he's set himself up for a life of great achievement. 

Thank you - I think it is wonderful how everyone on this site is so supportive.  I agree with what you have said, better to decide for himself then have someone else do it for him.  Thank you again and have a great day.

RKBH posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

I think it's great when kids decide which path is better for them. Rather than have it be decided by someone else. Don't have any regrets. He's done a great job up until now and I believe he's set himself up for a life of great achievement. 

Thank you - I think it is wonderful how everyone on this site is so supportive.  I agree with what you have said, better to decide for himself then have someone else do it for him.  Thank you again and have a great day.

Some adults get confused and become their kid's "agent", in regards to baseball. You're demonstrating that you are his parent. And that's the way it should be. Always guide them, and provide support, towards what is best for them. Excellent job by you. 

RKBH posted:

After much discussion, my son (a 2017) has decided to stop pursuing D3 college baseball.  He has informed us that he would rather study abroad during college (probably at least 2 semesters).    He said going to camps was making baseball not "fun" any longer and he did not want 4 years of added stress when college in and of itself is hard and stressful.    He also said he understands that at the D3 level (and probably all levels) it is a continuous competition for a roster spot and playing time.    He said he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.   I am glad that he is mature enough to come to us with this. 

I wish all of you much success and thank you for all of your advice and assistance.   I will keep reading posts just to keep up with what is going on in the baseball recruiting world.  But this spring will be his last baseball season other than possibly playing Legion ball in the summer.

That is a very mature decision on your son's part.  There are more important things in life besides baseball, and all of the boys are just a play away from it being over.  It ends for them all at some point.  Good luck to your son! (Traveling abroad sounds fun!)

Over the years I've seen several kids have to make the tough choice between D3 Baseball or D1 Academics and no Baseball.  It really is up to the individual and it is great when a young person can figure out what is best for them the easy way rather than the hard way.   RKBH your son can always go back to Baseball if he feels an overwhelming desire to do so.

I have an older son who just turned 25 who has done a heckuva lot of travelling abroad and absolutely loves it.   Similar to anything else, there is an entire subculture in that world of studying abroad and there are a tremendous amount of opportunities out there, including scholarship opportunities to travel widely and enrich one's educational experience.  I wish your son all the best!

3and2Fastball posted:

Over the years I've seen several kids have to make the tough choice between D3 Baseball or D1 Academics and no Baseball.  It really is up to the individual and it is great when a young person can figure out what is best for them the easy way rather than the hard way.   ..........................

Took the words right out of my mouth.  I've got two sons that selected no baseball and one that selected baseball.  In each case, they made the right decision for them for many reasons.  This is such a personal decision and it really comes down to knowing thyself and having a lot of maturity knowing it is a big world out there. 

A tip of the cap to your son RKBH!


My 2017 made pretty much the same decision at this time last year.  In retrospect, I didn't realize how much stress he was putting on himself between trying to play at his best on the field - while still excelling with a very difficult course load.

Once he decided to put baseball aside, it was pretty much night and day when it came to his stress level.  He was a lot happier - which seemed odd at the time considering how much he loves the game.  I think it takes a kid with a lot of maturity and perspective to be self aware enough to look at their future the way your son did.

My son knew the academic path he wanted to take, and once he stopped trying to figure out how he was going to shoehorn baseball in, he was able to relax.  I think the hardest thing for him was telling us how he felt.  He expected disappointment I guess, but really we were happy for him.  




All the best to your son. Sounds to me like he has a great head on his shoulders. 

Just last night we sat with a family friend who just graduated from a PAC 12 school. He played 4 years of baseball. Never really thought about what he was going to do afterwards. Now he's trying to figure out his next steps. 

Life after baseball last way longer. Best of luck to your son!

I echo everyone else's comments, though it took me a few minutes to get there. My first reaction was "Oh, no!  Don't quit! You can have it ALL!"  Then, I realized I was projecting my own thoughts/fears for my boy onto you and your son.  It sounds like a great decision, I've come to realize, and the study abroad component can't be over emphasized.  My own life changed drastically because of my year abroad and I have friends now all over Europe.

Best wishes as your son (and you!) move forward.

Rob T posted:

My 2017 made pretty much the same decision at this time last year.  In retrospect, I didn't realize how much stress he was putting on himself between trying to play at his best on the field - while still excelling with a very difficult course load.

Once he decided to put baseball aside, it was pretty much night and day when it came to his stress level.  He was a lot happier - which seemed odd at the time considering how much he loves the game.  I think it takes a kid with a lot of maturity and perspective to be self aware enough to look at their future the way your son did.

My son knew the academic path he wanted to take, and once he stopped trying to figure out how he was going to shoehorn baseball in, he was able to relax.  I think the hardest thing for him was telling us how he felt.  He expected disappointment I guess, but really we were happy for him.  



That is so nice to hear that it worked out for your son.  Thank you for sharing this.  I will keep everyone posted on how his spring season goes in high school.  I am sure it will be more relaxing for him knowing he does not have any pressure on him.  Thank you again to everyone...I will certainly be sure to be supportive if any other parent finds they need to post something similar to my post.  One thing about me is that I am extremely upfront to a fault.  Maybe my son has learned to be that way too...which hopefully will serve him well.  Thank you again!!!

Texas1836 posted:

RKBH - Congratulations on what must have been a well - considered decision.  I wish your son all the best.

The discussion was more of him just informing us of his decision and telling us why he felt that way. My husband and I both told him whatever he wanted to do was fine with us.  We discussed it for a bit just to make sure he was not making this decision because of having a bad day or something else.  He assured us that he has been considering this for awhile.   We will support him and help him in any way that we can.  Now just have to finish college visits and schedule a few interviews and we will be done.    Good luck to everyone who is going through this process.  It is a very fun time - you get to watch your child play baseball and see what the competition is like, meet lots of other parents, coaches, and go on this site for advice, info and ideas.

Wow. I have to applaud that decision by a kid looking to be a man. Very strong . Tough. Real. My 2018 has a few schools in his top 5 that have NO interest in him and he would REALLY want to go there. We are mulling him going to a school farther down on his list to play baseball even though his heart is with one of the other schools to attend without athletics. I support him either way with his dream.  

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