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This thread is for all the young men and parents who are now stressing over finding the right fit for next year and beyond. pull_hair

In April of this year USD announced they were cutting their baseball program. Mad (not a pleasant experience I can assure you)

My son was hurt, dissappointed, worried, and a host of other emotions. His choice at that time was to finish his senior year without baseball or transfer to another school. It was a tumultous time for him. noidea (and us as well)

Fast forward 7 months to our Thanksgiving dinner. The first thing he mentions when he gives his thanks before dinner is being thankful that USD had cut their program. Eek

He says he is thrilled with the new school, coach etc, and is really happy with how things worked out. clap

My point in sharing this story is that sometimes we stress way too much over things.

Having the attitude that you can make any situation work is better than finding a perfect situation - why? because like it or not things can change. worm

So work hard to find the best situation you can - but don't stress out - and remember - sometimes making the best of the situation you are in can be even better.
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I cannot say how glad I am for your son that he will be able to play his remaining years in college.

I don't know why USD gave up its program but whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the NCAA is destroying baseball, especially for the smaller colleges.

Title IX has raped men's athletics (most girl's sports go under-participated). This has drained the sports that actually fund the athletics, and prevent men's baseball from funding the program properly.

It places a real premium on the talent level that is allowed to be considered for scholarships. As a result baseball is losing the baseball athlete to other sports.

The end result will be that professional baseball will not get the very best athletes nor the best potential baseball players from the campuses of USA colleges. The MLB will go elsewhere to get players...Carribean, Central and South America, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia and Canada will continue to increase the numbers of their players playing in the MLB.
Last edited by PiC

This morning on C-SPAN they had a discussion on the impact of Title IX on college athletics. Representing the anti-Title IX side was Phyllis Scheaffly and representing the pro-Title IX side was Marcia Greeenberger from the Woman's Law Center.

I think you can see the discussion again later today.

But what Ms Greenberger's group is doing is trying to get the law changed so that groups like her's can bring law suits against high schools that do not have an absolute 1 to 1 dollar ratio of girl's sports to men's sports in allocated expenditures.

If this passes you can say goodbye to high school baseball programs! Why, because the high schools will be spending the money instead on defending themselves in courts. The only people winning out will be the lawyers.

This should be called, "THE LAWYERS FULL EMPLOYMENT ACT"
Perhaps it might be fairer if the NCAA could take a look at the sports that are almost always revenue neutral or better in D1 such as football and basketball and not count these scholarships toward the equality number.

AParent, glad to hear things worked out with your son transferring from University of South Dakota. I know the USD coach well and he wanted the best for his players as they looked elsewhere to play ball. Where did Your son transfer to?

A little closer to you, Iowa State quit baseball a few years ago. Title IX is not a friend of baseball. It's amazes me that there are still "baseball" people that can't figure this out.
I won't discuss the Title IX issue or I might start stressing again. I get a bit worked up over that one.


He transferred to Briar Cliff in Sioux City. The USD players scattered to the wind so I will be watching a lot of teams this year.

I remember well when Iowa State did that. It was my sons senior year of hs and we felt very sorry for a friend of his that got caught up in that one. Little did we know our turn was coming.

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