In April of this year USD announced they were cutting their baseball program.
My son was hurt, dissappointed, worried, and a host of other emotions. His choice at that time was to finish his senior year without baseball or transfer to another school. It was a tumultous time for him.
Fast forward 7 months to our Thanksgiving dinner. The first thing he mentions when he gives his thanks before dinner is being thankful that USD had cut their program.
He says he is thrilled with the new school, coach etc, and is really happy with how things worked out.
My point in sharing this story is that sometimes we stress way too much over things.
Having the attitude that you can make any situation work is better than finding a perfect situation - why? because like it or not things can change.
So work hard to find the best situation you can - but don't stress out - and remember - sometimes making the best of the situation you are in can be even better.