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i've been reading this ask the ump section for a few years. i don't add anything to your post's or ask any questions ,but i find it so very valuable to read about rules i thought i knew so well. or about how to find rule interpretations. i want to thank all you umps that post here. you don't realize how much you privide to the students. thanks for taking the time to answer the questions.

i think this is the first time i thanked an ump, without asking him to get help on a

baseball......a big business disquised as a little boys dream.

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Thank you for your thoughts, I know they are appreciated. This site is a wonderful place and I am proud to do my part. I came here as a parent of a HS baseball player and stayed when he moved on to college baseball in an effort to help however I can..

I know the other umpires who post here are a special group...

Michael S. Taylor

all have actively assisted those who came to this site looking for help and I am proud to post among them....

we have a few newer posters that I encourage to stay and contribute... we always need umpires on the field and here in the forum....and they do it well...

Jimi Hendrix

not forgetting those who have not stopped in for a while or who remain infrequent, But have also posted


(if I have missed anyone forgive me)

I believe we have formed a group of colleagues who believe that we offer a good service to the players parents and coaches. The atmosphere here is visibly absent of the bitterness that is evident in so many baseball sites between umpires and player/coaches and parents and yes even between umpires.......we do not hide behind the blue wall, and will be the first to decry poor officiating.

We do support all those who wear the blue in an effort to provide officiating to the sport we all love.......and we will be the first to defend our colleagues from unwarranted bashing.....there are plenty of places that is the norm.......we do not want it that here.....

I encourage you to post........ask your questions, join the or by PM..... I know we will do our best to answer all those who sincerely want a response.......and to all your dads out there who coach and umpire to keep your leagues up and running please accept my thanks.......
Last edited by piaa_ump
I too will add a thanks to all the posters here, it has been a great tool for me and hopefully for all that drop in.

I will be jumping to Fed this spring in an attempt to free up some of my summer for grand sons and fun.

I've only worked OBR.
So, as I make the transition expect to see me here a bit more often. Thanks for all your help in advance.

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