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I'm sure everyone has gone thru this...but for my son it was a first...glad it's over.    He hit .450 in HS with 2 K's in 105 AB's. Up until last weekend he had struck out 10 times in the last year...including 2 HS seasons and last summer and fall.   Well, starting last weekend...and up til this morning he had gone 0-22 with 5K's in 8 games.  He was to the point that he almost couldn't talk after last night's game.  He's never had an 0-5 streak that I can remember....and surely nothing like this mess has been.


He got a hit in his first AB this morning.....then promptly got caught in a rundown when the pitcher did the dreaded 3rd-1st pickoff move.  I'm at work...but I'm guessing he was standing on first just about ready to cartwheels because he finally got a hit....and had major brain cramp when the pitcher made the move.


Talked to him afterwards....I've never heard anyone so happy to get a


I've never liked the phrase....but I guess "that's baseball"...



Last edited by Buckeye 2015
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Yeah.  That's baseball.   My son has had streaks when he just doesn't miss the ball.  His sophomore year on JV, not only did he hardly strike out, he hardly even swung and missed.  And think all of his few strike outs were looking because  he swung and missed  only about 10 times that entire season. That year he had many, many  long at bats, most of which he won one way or the other. Fast forward to the start  of this spring varsity season. He temporarily  wins a starting spot out of the gate (in the absence of three returning starters who  were playing basketball deep into the playoffs).  At first it  looks like he is picking up where he left off in the fall. But the coach starts signaling that if he wants to keep that spot when the returning basketball players show up, he's going to have to show him even more. The kid gets completely out of his game and  starts pressing at the plate. Has a 1 - 12 streak with 2 bb over 6 games.   His worst 6 game streak in his HS career.  Unfortunately, when the basketball three return, he's immediately  benched.  Then a couple of weeks later,   hurts his back.  Between the benching and the back, he  doesn't play the entire rest of the season.   Fast forward to summer, the kid is healthy again and is swinging the bat as well as he ever has.  (Plus the coach has been fired).  You can imagine how good he feels.  Baseball is a cruel master, clearly.  It lifts you up and then turns around and kicks you in the butt, then picks you up again.  If you're spouse treated you like that, you'd leave her for sure. But with baseball, you just keep coming back for more. 

Originally Posted by MidAtlanticDad:

By chance did his girlfriend dump him around the time it started? 

Lol....nope, that would be too easy...and would likely explain it.   I wish I had an answer.  They have been using wood bats the past two weeks...which I think is part of it. I told him to hit in the cage with metal before today's game to try to get the "feel" back.  I'm not there so I'm not sure if he did or not.  I think that at some point it just got to the point that it was in his head that he couldn't hit and it just snowballed...another game in 20 minutes...hopefully things are back to normal.

"Baseball is a game of failure, those that can deal with it will survive, those that can not, will not.", not sure


I can't take credit for that quote but it's been a mantra of my son's and ours.

He tries not to get too high on the highs or too low on the lows.


I actually think my son is better off going through those trials and overcoming them.


In Texas HS the teams in your district scout you heavily and you must be constantly working on your weaknesses at the plate. As soon as you recognize a pattern of how they are pitching you you must adjust or face the same game plan against you over and over.


My son was blistering the first part of the season this year and suddenly went 0 for 3 games. He realized by the second game they were jamming him inside. It took him the rest of that game and the next to make the adjustment and recognize the situations and pitches. He fixed it and got hot again and stayed hot the rest of the season.


Last season it was a high fastball with two strikes. He REALLY struggled laying off that high cheese but once he developed the discipline it's was no longer a factor.


Originally Posted by RonBon:

"Baseball is a game of failure, those that can deal with it will survive, those that can not, will not.", not sure


I can't take credit for that quote but it's been a mantra of my son's and ours.

He tries not to get too high on the highs or too low on the lows.


I actually think my son is better off going through those trials and overcoming them.




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