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Well the rain has left us but it is very cool for us locals. I am sure you will have great time. I am playing Saturday at a local muni called The Links of Boynton. Relatively short but nice layout and generally well kept considering the number of rounds played on it.

Have a great time ans a safe trip.
Once again, usual,..the Woodsman is DA MAN!!!!
Never ceases to amaze me!
I'm printing that pupper off, pasting it to my forehead, and taking it to work with me as I skid drive on the expected ice predicted again, for tonight! Supposed to get down to 11 degrees tonight,..and then if you factor in the wind chill,....Yikes!!

Nothing like walking into the office,..with sloshy boots,...two Michelin Man coats on ( does not do wonders for the visible figure! ), icicle frozen mascared eyelashes,... wind blown hair,...a nose mitten,... facial frost bite hidden behind the wool scarf ( which by the way leaves a not so attractive rash!) wrapped tightly around my head.

Hi,..I'm shortstopmom,..sniff sniff,..wheeez wheeez,...aahhhh choooo,....shiver shiver,...drip drip,.....may I help you?

Alrighty, more sniveling. I'm gonna get a grip, put my big girl pants on.
No snow/slush/hail shall defeat meeeeeeeee!!!

Hi ho hi ho,..its off to work I gooooooo!!!

Mahalo mahalo mahalo!!!
Cheers everyone!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Take it from me...the voice of prepared for all sorts of funny and strange looks from people who you encounter while that Mai Tai and palm tree image is affixed to your forehead.

I get this all of the time...all of the time...the only difference between you and me is that I don't have a picture planted on my head...people just react to me that way naturally I guess.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Those of us who reside here in FL, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, drink mai tai's with palm trees or those silly umbrellas stuck in them.

Those are definetly for the northern folks! Big Grin

Correction, blue-haired Notherners, the ones we ship to FL every winter to clog your roads, hog your tee times, and empty your Walgreen shelves of Geritol and Depends. You never have thanked us for our contribution to your part time snow-bird population. Thank god there are no thongs involved.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Those of us who reside here in FL, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, drink mai tai's with palm trees or those silly umbrellas stuck in them.

Those are definetly for the northern folks! Big Grin

Correction, blue-haired Notherners, the ones we ship to FL every winter to clog your roads, hog your tee times, and empty your Walgreen shelves of Geritol and Depends. You never have thanked us for our contribution to your part time snow-bird population. Thank god there are no thongs involved.

Thanks. Roll Eyes Don't be so sure of those thongs! They need them to walk back and forth to the pool.

Dk just called, he awoke this am to 3-5 inches of snow, has never seen snow in his life! Been out throwing snowballs (long toss) Big Grin and had his first real "snow day" off from school.

I guess at 21, you still can experience some "firsts" in your life. Wink
Last edited by TPM
I'd laugh about the snow but if they get snow we get the cold that follows it.

Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of light snow. Highs around 15. West winds 5 to 15 mph.

Friday Night
Bitterly cold. Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of light snow. Lows around 1 below. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Wind chill readings 20 below to zero.

Bitterly cold. Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of light snow. Highs around 8. West winds 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill readings 7 below to 23 below zero.

Saturday Night
Partly cloudy. Lows around 7 below.

Partly cloudy. Highs around 4.

Sunday Night
Partly cloudy. Chance of flurries. Lows around 6 below.

I hope y'all enjoy your weekend.

Gotwood, I know a few quitar picking, baseball throwing, baseball hitting hillbilly folks up dar in dem dar hills that would benefit immensely from a moving machine such as this one! One of 'em just got clocked by a friend of mine yesterday throwing dem dar heaters in a gym at 90,91,90,91,90,90 MPH.
Not bad for a hillbilly SOPH who has never been to a showcase or pro tryout Big Grin peace shep
Originally posted by floridafan:
There are downsides to living in Florida, as witnesseed by many this morning just south of where I live. My prayers go out to all those affected by these storms.

I saw on the news early this am, bad tornado, I am praying for my fellow floridians.

Yes, all kidding aside, we DO pay a price for the good weather, skyrocketing housing costs with lower than average US wages, huge insurance bills both medical and homeowners (for hurricanes and tornados).
Hummer? That must be Been's...I drive a 'road salt' encrusted '96 Dodge Grand Caravan.

Someone did scrawl something in the salt grime...don't think they mentioned anything about Hummer...just something rather ordinary like "Wash Me!" and "Get a Horse!"...

Unless I can help it...I don't intend to do either anytime soon!

Hey Buddy?
Can you spare a quarter?
I gotta' ride Silver home.
Gee thanks Buddy!
Now where's the coin slot on this beast?
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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