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Sadly, our old friend passed away this summer. We'll never forget him. Our house is not a home without a dog. We have decided that the time has come.

Let me introduce you to "Garwood". Picked him out, last week. Visited him again, today. He is getting 'fixed' tomorrow, and is scheduled to come home on Black Friday. He's such a nice boy, so friendly. He wags his tail in a circle, like a propeller. It's gonna feel like home, again.

I love animals. What kind of dog or pets do you guys have? Anything counts. Smile
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Antzdad, congratulations. We had a Dalmation for 15 years. Her name was Bridgett and I miss her every day. She could perform numerous tricks but most importantly, she was my sidekick. One day I was up on our roof and out of nowhere, a drunk came staggering into our yard. My daughter was then about 4. This drunk started yelling at my daughter. I told Bridgett to get him and did she ever "get him." I believe to this day that Bridgett saved my child from serious harm. I've wanted to get another dog but I don't think it is fair to another dog. I know I couldn't help the comparisons. Still, once in a while I think about heading up to the shelter to see what they have. Again, congratulations on your new pup!
Last edited by CoachB25
Congratulations on the new addition.

A few years ago, my daughter's beloved, best behaved dog you evermet, died from cancer, he was only 5 and it hurt us all so very much. She had just lost her baby bull mastif a year before that mysteriously so she was devastated. She swore she would never get another dog.

Then she met and fell in love with Bently, a 4 pound yorkie (now) that will be 2 years old on Tuesday!

You can never "replace" one pet for another, they are all different and unique just like kids, so don't be afraid to take that ride up to the shelter!

We have a grand cat that loves with us, Nala, her brother Simba and cousin Sox died a few days ago. She used to live with her mommy, my daughter, but Bently drives her crazy. Eek

We have always been dog people, but we love cats, they are amazing creatures!
Last edited by TPM
My wife and I have Ernie. He is a Beagle and is five years old. He only has one eye. He got hit by a truck three years ago and lost his eye. My wife sat up all night with him and held him because the vet said he needed to wait for the surgery the next day. Ernie goes every where we go. He is part of our family. My grand daughter Mollie says he is her dog. The other day she was at our home visiting and was rubbing Ernie. She said "Don't worry Ernie. When you get to Heaven Jesus is going to give you another eye." She then hugged him. I am telling you a couple of tears came out before I could get it together.

I love animals but my love for them pales in comparison to my wife. She has rescued several over the years. Congrats on the new addition AntzDad. I hope you have many years together.
We have a great Black Lab, now about 11 years old named Jeter. He has been with us since all our kids were young. He is a significant member of our family and has a dogtag that has his name and our last name on it with my cell number in case he wanders off.

I don't think we will ever have a dog as special as Jeter. I believe that without the kids who would play with him, sleep with him and love on him, a new puppy can never be raised again, by us now that our kids have grown up and left home, that could ever have the personality and temperment of Jeter.

And he would use his paws to catch balls, and retrived balls as soon as we brought him home at 6 or 8 weeks.
Last edited by floridafan
Yup, we have a black lab that was chosen as a puppy by our youngest son when he was three. That son will be going off to college next year, following in the footsteps of the others.

I have a favorite pic of the dog and son looking out the front window. The dog has her paws up on the sill and towers over son, who is standing with his arm around his buddy. Nowadays, same son often leans down and gives her the same love and attention. I can't even start to describe what an amazing dog she has been.

The kids will all be home for Thanksgiving. I can already see how it will play out... the older ones will be sad to see how quickly she is aging now. Then they will reminisce and express how grateful they are for what she has meant to our family.

Nice choice with Garwood, Antzdad!
Last edited by cabbagedad
We have a set of twins! They are two of a litter of twelve. The Breeder refused to separate this brother and sister as they were never, ever apart.

Missy and Big Red are German Shepherds that are unbelievable to watch. PrimeJr and his teammates beg us to bring them to games, the boys all love them.

Their claim to fame, besides going out together and getting my paper every morning, is to retrieve what ever is thrown ... together. No kidding, I buy these huge balls and insert 3' of 1/2" rope through it so they can both hold on as they retrieve.

They sleep in the same crate although they have their own bowls, they always eat and drink from just one though.
Last edited by Prime9
Congratulations AntzDad....It sounds like Garwood will be coming to a great home! Like floridafan, our family has a lab named Jeter roaming around our house. He's a yellow lab that will be nine years old in a couple months. We also have a four year old female shepard/lab mix that we named Mia (Hamm).

My wife and I will be "Empty Nesters" in a few months, as our daughter will be off to school. Our friends are already planning vacations for us. Well, yes we'll have two kids in college, but we'll still have two kids at home (Our Dogs) that rely on us...plenty of responsibility with animals too. I guess we're going to have to find a good Dog Sitter! Smile
We have a 4 year old Yorkie, Toby. Actually - Little "Toby" Keith. Born on Halloween. Was a surprise gift to me at Christmas, from one of our grown sons. We had lost our beloved 12 yr old Lab-Mix, Buddy, to Cancer, the previous Summer. Took my little Toby to the Vet for annual check-up. Vet saw some changes in his eyes. Diagnosed with Juvenile Rapid Cataract Blindness. Will go completely blind. Felt terrible for the little guy. He is such a sweet & loving little companion. Pray that he can adjust well to the changes.
Enjoy the new pup!!We lost our shepherd a year ago to cancer at eight.She was the love of my life.I couldnt stahhnd not having a dog in the house.We have a little puppy Lucca.He is a Lagotto Romangolo, an Italian water dog.We just got back from sons cardianl Gold series.Lucca went with us.Stays in hotels and has a therapy vest as I wil be training him for therapy to visit sick children and adults.He is a love.Sweetest guy .I just love him.
We have a "Legal", a mix of a beagle and a white lab (sounds better than "Blagle"...), and when this dog goes, our house will need serious therapy. Bailey the wonder dog sleeps where he wants (usually between the queen and me), goes in and out when he wants...and my wife got a king size bed for our vacation home just so the dog would have more room.

He never complains, goes to bed when the last of us goes, has no girl friend and doesn't drive. I've told my sons that if he could throw a 2 seam fastball, they night never have been born.

Congrats to all who enjoy their 4 legged sons or daughters!
Last edited by hokieone

God bless your for adopting. We were the foster dog parents for a yellow lab for 4 weeks before we found her a permananent home. It was one of the most rewarding and heart breaking moments to see her go to her new home. The new owners send us pictures of her, and we're glad she went to such a nice family & home in Northern Virginia.

Our full time permanent dog (Layla below) continues to live the good life.

Last edited by fenwaysouth
Abbey is a mixed terrier we found in Walmart's parking lot last Thanksgiving eve. She was about 3mos old then and was darting everywhere between cars in the parking lot with 5 customers and two cops trying to catch her. My wife sat down on the curb and called her and she ran right to her. Nobody claimed her or wanted her and the police were going to take her to the shelter. We took her home and glad we did. What a smart, fun, devoted, ball of energy!
We took in a beagle several years ago as his owners were moving and couldn't take a dog. He passed away last October. The girls were missing not having a dog so they went to the shelter and brought home a 16wk old Puggle "Wesley" this past week. He is our little southern gent as he was from Tennessee. Kinda nice to have a dog in the family again!
What wonderful stories about our little friends.

Our little rat terrier's blankie fell off the bed last night. At 3am I woke up with him on my back. Pup for sale! :-) Then he tried to curl up on my pillow... I figured it out shortly after that. yyyyaaaaawn!

We've had the little guy almost 8 years, and he's a hoot! Our first dog (a cavalier) died about 3 1/2 years ago... oh it was awful. We were all torn up. The two dogs acted just like brothers, even though they are opposite in temperament.

Can't imagine life without our little doggie.

TR love that you have such a loyal companion. :-)

Had read the story about the Great Danes, but hadn't seen all the pics, thanks.
Originally posted by Dad04:
Garwood looks like a good base stealer.

I don't know about that. He's already been CS a few times in the kitchen. No big deal. He has adjusted very well to his new home. We couldn't be happier.

It didn't take long for him to make friends around here. The cat really likes him. The ducks don't mind him. The parrot started teasing him the first day.

Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. And, thanks for sharing the stories about your special friends. Smile

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