Moosedate 20071022.0400hrs: Wake up early to meet Ol’Dad Bull for a round of golf, also meeting brother Peeping Tomwinkle and brother in law Bilbowinkle. Tee time 0600, must drive to Hemet…one of God’s armpits. Santa Ana winds, not a good sign for my game.
Moosedate 20071022.0430hrs: Driving…see a pretty glow in sky. Need to check google why Aurora Borealis so far south…must be that global warming that everyone is talking about…
Check off #59 of list “Before I Die” ….#59 see Northern Lights
Moosedate 20071022.0435hrs:
Uncheck #59
Moosedate 20071022.0436hrs: “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”
Turn around and head for MooseCrib, must save wife and children….wife still might have an LHP in her. Call Ol’Dad, tell him about FIRE! and I won’t make the golf game…Ol’Dad thinks this is a play for more strokes. (Actually not a bad idea, we all know that the game is won the in parking lot negotiating for strokes….file for later)
Moosedate 20071022.0500hrs: Get to Moosecrib….Wind whipping, trees swaying, dust flying, but no smoke…wifey a non believer…Ol’Dad called her, she’s upset that she got a 0500 call. Turn on TV, she’s a believer…I tell her start packing, I need to go to office.
Moosedate 20071022.0530hrs: Get to Moosehead Insurance (office motto: insurance and beer are good fer ya!) Organize troops, make calls, have a donut.
Moosedate 20071022.1500hrs: Get reverse 911 call, EVACUATE! Drive home.
Moosedate 20071022.1530hrs: Mrs. Bullwinkle has had ten hours to pack everything important to her……(old Christmas cards, a ball of twine, photos of her children and old boyfriends and one large broken vacuum cleaner) Kids have packed computers, photos, clothes, gift cards, everything except the mattresses. OK….we are on the move.
Moosedate 20071022.1535hrs: In line to get out of town…only one exit as all others are closed. I-15 north and south closed I-5 north and south closed….only exit is the entrance into Camp Pendleton Naval Weapons.
Moosedate 20071022.1830hrs: Still in line…moved 25 feet in 3 hours.
Moosedate 20071022.1935hrs: We are out of town and into Irvine to Bullwinkle Jr’s apartment. Reverse 911 calls…EVACUATE! OK, on the Bullwinkle Jr’s girlfriend’s parent’s house. Well…this is uncomfortable; only meet them once….but food and beds are offered….we the tired and dirty transients don’t care anymore…
Moosedate 20071022.2300hrs: Mrs. Bullwinkle kicks me out of bed, saying that chili and red wine is a deadly combination and that she wishes to live the night.
Topics to Discuss:
1) What are the top ten places or things you want to see before you die?
2) If you had 15 minutes to pack, what would it be?
Original Post