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Last night our oldest called from AZ to tell us about his first day in Major League Spring Training camp. The absolute joy in his voice was something I’ll never forget. He went on and on about everything …his locker, Barry Bonds, Felipe Alou. I think he probably smiled in his sleep through the whole night.

After he hung up I found myself reflecting on everything he’s been through to get there. It’s amazing to me how all of the twists and turns in his life now seem to be woven together perfectly to bring him to this place. I always believed that God was guiding his life, but I’m embarrassed to admit how many times my faith wavered …mostly during his struggles. It’s only in looking back that I can now clearly see that the Master of the Universe knows more about baseball than anyone...especially me.

Whatever the future holds, I know that God is in control… and I know that the same God who has been with our son holds each one of your sons in the palm of His hand, too.

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TxMom ...

Thanks for sharing your son's story. How thrilling for him (and his supportive loved ones).

And thanks for the reminder ...
Whatever the future holds, I know that God is in control… and I know that the same God who has been with our son holds each one of your sons in the palm of His hand, too.
which is something I need to hear everyday (and especially today ...)


Go Highlanders
TXMOM and family are truly one of the most sincere, giving, loving families in our community and they are truly a family to admire...... They have been blessed through their faith and through their works.

Thank you for all your words of wisdom and encourgement through your posts and may you and your family continue to have much joy and success.

And on a personal note: a big Thank you! My son was lucky enough to have TXMOM as a teacher, she was a true gift to him and all the students she has touched. Her sons continue to come back to our small community and share their love of the sport, their drive and their message of faith, family and school.

They are an inspiration to all.
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