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What do you think about the discussion on MLB regarding "the changing face of baseball"? I understand marketing and the desire of MLB to attract a diverse cross section of the worlds population. According to ESPN announcers on the Yankee - Devil Ray game, currently 25% of players are born outside of the U.S., and a significantly higher percentage are represented in the starting line-ups.

What impact, positive or negative or any, do you think this "movement" will have on your Son's dream of making it into the Major Leagues?

The Journey Continues!

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Its not just baseball - look at the number of European players in the NBA and the number of Canadien and European players in the NHL. How about the number of Asian and South American born X-Games athletes. It appears the only sport in which US athletes aren't being challenged for their positions by foreign-born athletes is football, and I have to believe that's because it really hasn't caught on in the rest of the world... but that doesn't mean the NFL isn't trying to make it happen....

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