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Let's be honest here. Based on the language skills I saw yesterday on National Signing Day programs, a significant percentage of these kids would appear to have little chance of making it academically through the rigors of these prestigious academic/football schools.

Moreover, I would guess that if their transcripts were on John Q Public Student rather than Johhny Stud the football player, that student would be unable to qualify academically for that school anyways.

Everybody knows it. Where is "Outside the Lines" uncovering this sham? It's all about the money and the networks aren't going to expose the sham of the collegiate "student/athlete" that plays football or basketball.

The odds are stacked against the kid who goes to the big school just to go pro. In reality, they're treated like a piece of meat and it's not about the free education that many don't utilize, rather they are indentured pawns of colleges who want to make money off the player.

When Cassonova gets hurt or doesn't make it in the pros, the sad fact of the matter is he in all likelihood won't have a degree and might just be working at his favorite restaurant.
Originally posted by TPM:
I don't care about the player or where he decided to go to school, the reason is ridiculous.

However, do you think that there is so much pressure placed on these kids during recruiting that they don't know how to say no thank you?

That's a real possibility. I have the impression that he was just looking for a reason to go elsewhere.

and yes it sounded silly. But chik fil does make a mean sandwich.
He said he chose one school over another because of lack of a ChickfilA, he failed to notice (or mention) that there is one right on the campus of Clemson.

That is why I posted what I did about the pressure they might be under, he did say he didn't like the atmosphere but perhaps that didn't sound as good as the one that got everyone's attention (in this case a chic sandwich). Eek

Best is to just be honest, like we tell our BASEBALL boys, that's my point.
Last edited by TPM
Since they sponser the bowl game that features ACC/SEC opponents, there has to be one on every campus.
I figured it out, they are closed on Sundays as well as most of the businesses downtown Clemson!

Mc Allister's, yum, we don't have them here but we ate quite a bit at one while in MO!

Georgia's Chics have better sweet tea than here, it's just not a florida thing (your tea too sweet). Smile

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