Baseball has to be one of the hardest HS sport to coach. I assume all HS coaches get paid the same. Look at those gym sports , especially volleyball, with the coach indoors sitting on the bleachers. Every once in a while he will get up and change a drill. And they don't even have to mop up the floor, they have a janitor to do it! Other outdoor sports have artificial turf now with a lot less maintenance. Football may be equivalent to the amount of effort the coach needs to put in, but they get the most fans. Just a rant because we keep losing our coach.
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At least there is usually a fence between the screaming parents and the coach. Other sports don't have that. I wonder if there would be less screaming if a coach could reach back a row and adjust someone's necktie for them.
Well, thankfully, our JV HC told the boys after their last game this past Thursday, that he was done. A lot of people have been waiting for that. Now, we're all just waiting fr the V HC to make his anticipated departure official. Hopefully, the school won't wait to announce the decision and move swiftly to find/announce a new HC for the program.
It's funny how people who don't know a particular sport believe it's easy to coach. The coach just sits here in practice. Every sport has it's own intricacies. Every high school coach is underpaid based on the time and effort in their sport.
If you coach HS sports for the pay your probably one of those coaches that are paid appropriately.
If you coach HS sports for the pay your probably one of those coaches that are paid appropriately.
Ohhhhh that is a beautiful quote.
I loved coaching. People talk about the pay. Back when if I totaled all the hours up in a season and divided it into the salary a minimum wage job would have trumped it by a lot. Today seeing what goes on you could not pay me enough.