My skepticism is raised by the way the press release:
--attempts to validate the effectiveness of the treatment by means of testimonials instead of published research.
--does not describe the conditions it treats or explain how it works.
--relies on anecdotes for support while providing no information about what changed medically in these cases.
--offers testimonials from people who either profit from the treatment or whose qualifications don't seem relevant (e.g., wouldn't you hope to see the opinion of an orthopedist rather than a chiropractor to evaluate a treatment for UCL injuries?).
--provides no information about the director's qualifications or experience.
--offers "ignorance and old school thinking" as the only reasons MLB hasn't adopted the therapy.
--offers a testimonial from a pitcher who is described in the press release last fall as throwing at max velocity but who does not appear now in the stat sheet for the JUCO the release says he would play for.