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For those who don't know, I coach a group of American high school guys whose families are stationed over here in Korea. It can be a lonely and fan-less endeavor. It's soooo different from ball played back home, even though my guys desire the same experience.

I would like to make an 'Inspiration/Motivation' book for them this year, and what better place to seek these kinds of words of wisom, encouragement, and motivation from Stateside than right here.

If you would be willing to post some words to my players that I can share with them as they enter the upcoming season, I know it would mean a lot to them - to know there are people across our country who have an interest in them as a team and their unique situation. I think we're going to be pretty good - and are hoping to make a run all the way to the Far East title.

If you can also add who you are, or what your own kids have gone through and where they are now, that would be even more meaningful to my guys.

If you'd rather PM me your words, that would be fine!

Thank you. I think this will be a really cool thing for them!

Krak (Seoul American High Falcons Baseball)
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Well, I'm going to copy and paste the text into a 'booklet' that I can give each of them, so pics wouldn't work.

Looking for baseball-related words of encouragement, support, wisdom, motivation for these guys.


"Hey guys, this is () from North Carolina (or wherever). I know you guys are practicing and playing under some unusual circumstances, but just wanted you to know that I am rooting for the Falcons. My own son....(etc)....and I know with hard work you guys can strive to reach that goal as well."

Stuff along those lines......
Last edited by Krakatoa

Well now that you've put it that way Krak I'll have to buggywhip my single digit into hyper-warp drivel and give your Falcons something for inspiration and something to remember.

Please feel free to edit, staple, fold, glue, tape, mutilate, trim, scrape, scalp, debride, fashion, mold, blanche, parboil, pressure-cook, broast, carve, whittle, steam, ossify, vulcanize, or otherwise make this post palatable and intelligible for your team.

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(Work in progress...pardon our dust. For your listening pleasure during the delay.)

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Last edited by gotwood4sale
Young Men of the Falcons Baseball team....

I want to start out by saying that I applaud you for continuing your passion while being overseas to persue your passion and love for the greatest game on earth - Baseball. That you do this, go to school, and be just normal high school kids 1000's of miles away from home is more impressive than your young minds could believe right now in your lives. Enjoy it. Treasure it. One day you'll look back at these days with the fondest of memories. Be thankful of your Coach who does what he does because of his love of the game, and his desire to offer you the stage to show just how good us American's play ball!

I served our country in the Marines not much older than you are now almost 30yrs ago. I know how "different" it is overseas, i.e. Okinawa, Korea, Phillipines, Malaysia, etc. A completely different world that most will never get to see. You are. I am also thankful today more than ever for your parents who serve our country every day to keep our freedoms protected. Please do me a favor. Tell them a former Marine thanks them.

One thing I want to leave with each of you is this word of advise: I will persist until I succeed.

In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who sticks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try,if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.

I will persist until I succeed.

This upcoming season vow to your teammates and your Coach that you will be like that bull for each other. Let it be a season like no other. Don't give it baseball, school, life, commitments, etc.

Have a very, Merry Christmas, and get ready - The season is just around the corner!
Last edited by YoungGunDad
Members of the Seoul American Falcons,

I want to impart my best wishes for a successful, victorious upcoming season. During these sometime difficult times in your part of the world, baseball still connects you with your homeland, the USA. Baseball has always represented spirited yet sportsmanlike competition and we are proud to have you, the Falcons represent our civilian and military families in South Korea. Even your choice of mascot, the falcon is a fierce yet majestic creature that soars over everything in his realm. In the same way, follow the directions of your coaches to soar to victory. Best wishes, from myself and family in Texas with both of my boys one in high school and one at college also enjoying the great game of baseball that binds us all together.
Last edited by Three Bagger
Dear Falcons,

Happy Holidays from Southern California! We are prepping for the upcoming season as well with great anticipation, a ton of BP and love for the game. I cannot imagine what is must be like in Korea right now with your season around the corner.

We have two son's playing baseball right now. The eldest is playing Jr. College ball and our youngest is a junior in high school.

We wish you nothing but the best! Have a great season, work hard, stay loose, play as a team, listen to coach and have FUN!!!

God bless you all,
Keep swingin it...
Thank you 2Bmom and Sdlefty! And thanks also to those who have PM'd their addition to the growing collection.

In Flounder's immortal words from Animal House....

"This is gonna be GREAT!"

We have a solid core returning this year, and it looks like we have a few guys who've arrived in country this school year from the States who (I've googled) played some good ball back home. It's very promising. I'm not allowed to work with them until Feb 28th, but I've got my ear to the ground.

This is last year's team (the Barney Rubble-like character on the left is the ol' Krak)
Last edited by Krakatoa

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Flying Falcons,

We're here to watch your team soar this year. We have heard from your coach, Coach Krak as he is known here on the High School Baseball Web, that your team is expected to do well this year. He knows he has a good bunch of players.

I have two sons who play baseball and two daughters who play softball. Our family has been involved with many, many teams and the teams that were the most fun were those made up of overachievers.

Always coming to the field as an unknown, taken lightly by their opponents, and after hustling and playing hard as a team more often than not walked away with a win. Their opponents looking bewildered and scratching their heads.

Be a team like that. Believe in yourselves. Hustle. Play hard. Have fun. Leave the head scratching to the other team!

Let us know how your season is coming along. Become members of the High School Baseball Web and make friends around the world. We're rooting for you Flying Falcons!

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Last edited by gotwood4sale
There are two paths in life; selfishness and sacrifice.

A man may sum up the evils of this world by pondering its roots: Selfishness. It is the cause of all the pain and suffering about us. Murder, adultery, stealing, war and unbridled power.. indeed all of the deadly sins are derived from an ugly, unashamed ego.

The exact opposite of selfishness is sacrifice. It is the epitome of the life of Christ and the quality of all the great men of the world. It is the hardest journey to master, to subordinate one's own desires for the good of others.

One has an ultimate choice in life, and it is a real choice between good and evil. A team is but one example of that choice: Shall I be concerned about myself, my accomplishments and statistics--be selfish--or shall I rather defer to the greater good of others, to forward the cause of the team, thereby sacrificing.

Choose wisely.
Last edited by Bum
Baseball, just like in life, is very challenging. There are more opportunities to fail, than to succeed. However, never allow failure to overcome your desire to succeed, on or off the baseball field. Without hard work, there is no preparation – without preparation, there is no effort – without effort, there is no reward – without reward, there is no success. Measure success by how you feel about your accomplishments, not by what you’ve accomplished.

In the end, the measure of a man is not what others say of him but what his actions say about him. Forge your own destiny, take your own measure, and face hardship with resolute determination. YOU are in control of your own success, it comes down to what you are willing to sacrifice to succeed.

Celebrate success, in every aspect of your life!

Good Luck this Spring, we're all rooting for you.

Last edited by GunEmDown10

I have been to Seoul, Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany, Saudi Arabia and many other places in this crazy world we live in. What a challenge for you to be over there. I thank you for being with your parents who serve our country so that others can enjoy our freedom.

Like all young men your age you have a lot of things to think about like girls, sports, video games, television, school work – yep that’s about the right order. I might recommend that you make sure the order is school work, sports…okay girls, and a little time for video games/television. At times you might feel less than excited about certain things in your life. Keep your priorities in order now so that you can enjoy a life beyond high school and you will be thankful.

My son, who is now a college player, went through high school with only a few close friends. Why is that? Because he chose to stay away from the parties, and he didn’t have enough time between school and baseball anyway. I know you probably don’t have that many friends to choose from living so far away, but the best thing you can do as a team is to be there for each other, every minute, no matter what.

Coach Krak is a great guy and he wants the best for you all, there is no doubt about that in my mind. He isn’t doing this for the pay, I guarantee that. He is doing it to see the joy on your faces – win or lose. Competing in baseball will prepare you for competing in all other parts of your life.

Take care of your arms, work hard, practice, practice, practice.

I’ll leave you with the following quote just posted from a great Coach here on the HSBBWeb:

Coach May:

“Be the first kid to practice everyday. Come dressed like a player every day. Come prepared to outwork everyone. And then do that. Take care of business in the class room. Show the coach you want it and take advantage of every opportunity you get. Find opportunities to show you can play. When your shagging batting practice make plays. If everyone else is just hanging out in the field and they are allowed to do that dont follow them. Lead by example by making plays. When everyone is at the cage and some guys are just standing around if thats allowed, be the guy working hard. If guys are allowed to walk on or off the field be the guy running on and off the field. If there is an opportunity to get in extra work be one of those guys.”

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