I know we've debated wood vs. metal ad nauseum. But this is part of a letter I just got from Little League Int'. I know we won't all agree on which bat is "safer" however we all have to acknowledge how ridiculous it would be to fine children for playing in the back yard (or anywhere for that matter) with an aluminum bat.
"In case you haven’t heard, the New York City Council voted to ban the use of aluminum bats for all high school games played in the City. Now, similar legislation could find its way to Illinois – legislation that would ban all non-wood bats from being used in all Little League games, including softball, throughout the state.
What concerns me most is that this bill in Illinois would fine children playing with a non-wood bat $250 for a first offense and $500 for a second offense. This would even include if a child played in a pick-up sandlot game.
After hearing this news, I contacted the office of Illinois Representative Robert Molaro, who is sponsoring the bill. His Chief of Staff told me that he might consider a different version of the bill after hearing the facts I presented him.
I was encouraged by the discussion; however we have not received any confirmation of a revised bill and feel we cannot wait longer to make you aware of this matter.
At Little League, nothing is more important to us than child safety and I can report to you that a ban on aluminum bats is not necessary. It will harm our game and make it less enjoyable for the millions of children who safely play the game today, just as it has been safely played for the last forty years.
Little League Baseball has joined a coalition of parents, coaches and bat makers to oppose this unnecessary ban.
The Coalition is named “Don’t Take My Bat Away” and I urge you to join so that we can have a large voice to fight a potential bat ban in Illinois.
Please log onto their website, www.DTMBA.com, and carefully review the facts and the science behind Little League’s decision to support the safe use of both wood and aluminum bats."
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