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First of all a very, very Happy New Year to all the fine baseball Ladie's who gather here...
I wish your families and especially your baseball-playing son's the most successful season in 2004.....

I thought we could start a HOT CORNER...
where we can come and post some successes and experiences of our boy's with each other...

Hope there is lots to post about. party
Let's keep this thread ACTIVE!!

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
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Chill ...

Happy New Year to all my friends in the Ladies' Lounge ... even our male types worm who tend to lurk.

This is a great venue for me to help realize that I am not alone as a baseball parent ... and that this IS a life that is okay to have.

Since I did my most recent bragging on the General forum, I am done for the year. But I (hopefully) will have some fun things to share starting the 30th or 31st of January.

Have a wonderful celebration tonight, Friends. And may God bless all of you abundantly in '04.

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I did this with you in mind...
No mother should ever have to wonder
if it's ok to "fill us in" on an
accomplishment! smash

My husband roared out loud when I recently referred to you by your screen name down in the family room...He understood immediately my connection to you and just shook his head to know I had found another Hot S*** baseball mom...

Party well and safe, everyone...

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
Hello ladies,
Happy New Baseball Year to you all! Yes, I was lurking and thought I would join in. Here are my 06 and 08 accomplishments from 2003! I don't usually applaud too loudly, but what the hey!

Stanton, 08 pitched the complete 7 inning shutout championship game in a 6-0 victory over the Southern Miss Elite. He also contributed a single and double in the win. This win clinched the USSSA-AAA State Championship in Hattiesburg for the Reservoir Gators.

Steven, 06, had an outstanding freshman year of high school(5A) where he led the team in HR(4), was fourth in BA(.390), second in Slug%(.622).

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!
H - mom...always brag...the people on here are the one's who appreciate reading about success in the class room, on the field...and seeing it pay off.

It puts wind in our sails...

And Chickslong...nice looking young should be proud...

Lurking is what I do best..too.


p.s....I'm planning on using this thread myself as things unfold...

You've gone and done it again with a great new "ongoing" thread!!

Chicks---cool kids and kudos to both of them!! And that's my alliteration for the day!

To all my wonderful lady pals here (lurking fellows, too!): HAPPY, BLESSED NEW YEAR to you and your families! I'm in the stands cheering for all of your sons from afar...always! laola

Off to Phoenix tomorrow...catch you in 2004!


Is this heaven?...
Thanks, Val...actually, it's mostly car-lag---but not THIS time. And although I love to travel, it does get tiresome packing, unpacking, repacking, ad infinitum...But that's just the way it's been for us with family and friends spread here and there (mostly THERE)!

Happy New Year---safe journies to you, too. And God Bless! Big Grin

Is this heaven?...
Chicks - you've got some great looking sons there - bet they've got some nice 'pop' on the ball with frames like that!

To Chill - thanks 'sis' for making me laugh and think - I look forward with you to a wonderful New Year!

PA Mom - safe travels to PHX and beyond - scope out the spring training possibilities if you can while you're there. Wouldn't it be fun to have a LL 'Road Trip'?

CatchMom - what can I say - thanks again for coming to see my son play --- TWICE! Lunch was great, too -- hic Wink

H-Mom - You're the best - in the Ladies Lounge, on the main board, and in person!!!

Big Hit15 -- NO MORE PICTURES (seriously, you're funny and smart - and not afraid to mix it up a bit, too). Happy New Year to you and your family.

ItsOutaHere- Thanks.

Calbb - thanks for your consistent positive feedback for my son. See you at the gym!

Mr. & Mrs. - Warm up, will you - that new avatar makes me shiver just looking at it -- too many memories of my years in Wisconsin and Minnesota... Wink

And, to everyone else -- again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Has spring training started yet?
Hi Chill and Ladies, Gents and Lurkers!
Happy New Year..... party

My New Years Resolution is to NOT post again until my son's committed.

Eek Eek Eek

YEAH RIGHT!!!! biglaugh

We hope to have some good news by Spring, maybe sooner, but we've all decided to lighten up and enjoy the ride. Good things will happen. But when it does....this will be the first place I'll "brag" Cool

I appreciate you all and don't know how I would have survived these last few months w/o your support. Truly!

And Blue............I'll work on that Avatar for ya K???
How's this one?

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

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Here's another suggestion...go to the Where Are They? section and look for the parent's screen name on the right and then look over to the left side and you'll see their son's name and the college or pro team they are with. This might be a little faster since you can quickly scan for the webster's screen name first. Smile

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First i would like to say I am so excited to have found this place. I am a baseball Mom heart and soul. I have two sons a high senior and an 8th grader. My oldest son is an early D-1 signee and I am very proud of him. It is just wonderful to have found a place to talk about all of this, with people who really understand. I hope I can get to know all of you better.

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