It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Nothing more and nothing less.
This particular name they've hatched is just to get around a legal "loophole" since the Angels' stadium lease requires that the team's name have the word "Anaheim" in it. Moreno has been pushing for months to just change the name to Los Angeles Angels.
Using the Los Angeles name gives the Angels a different (TV and other advertising) market share, however the heck that is done, under the terms of the MLB and other contracts.
I suppose Moreno also thinks this name change will get the LA area to embrace the Angels, which it really never has, even when the Angels played in L.A. They've been advertising all over the L.A. area recently.
Actually, Moreno doesn't really need to go to any steps except to hope that the Dodgers keep their present ownership and GM. Given their recent roster moves (Bye Bye LoDuca, Green, Beltre, Lima, Finely and hello Jose Valentin, Ricky Ledee and Jeff Kent
), along with the team's recent obscene raise in ticket prices, Dodger fans may well be changing allegiances without any nudge from Moreno.