how do you tell what you need to do to further your kids chance to succeed? can't. there is not one member of this forum that would tell you they did everything right. you cannot buy the perfect bat, you cannot find the perfect camp or prospect team.... why? because the next one is the one you should have gone to. better, best, pro-preferred, pro-elite hundred of scouts.......aaaaauuuuuuggghhhhh.
all the while you tell yourself, "i can't afford this", but it is too easy to let "i can't afford not to" win out in your mind.
the greatest problem, noted many times on bbweb is the lack of ability of most parents to efficiently appraise the talent level of their player. what level can he get to? and how can i help him get there? how hard do i push? does he want what i think he wants? is he good enough to spend all this time and money, when he may just want to go to the lake? this for me or for him???
we have all heard the percentages, we know the numbers don't lie. the odds are stacked against even the best player. why don't we quit? why do we allow ourselves to set our kids up for this failure?
because that is not what we do in any aspect of our or our kids lives. we work for, train for success. we have and will ALWAYS tell our kids that hard work pays off. "the harder i work the luckier i get". "Look at so and so, he was average in high school and now he is playing in college." "work harder, eyes on the prize, never give up". all are preached to every kid in every situation to attain greatness.
Greatness does not, however, come to everyone. it isn't fair, but the numbers still don't lie. Somebody IS going to attain greatness. THAT is why i bought the expensive bats and gloves (when i could), paid the travel team fees, (when i could) and paid the gas stations and hotel clerks my money (when i could).
because maybe, just maybe my kid is one of the lucky ones.
that is why we do it, and why this forum is so awesome. thanks to everyone for lots of great info.
btw, my son signed D1 2 weeks ago.
it was worth it.