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After reading the various posts the last few days, I am thinking I need to reassess coaching baseball. I thought I did relatively well and taught the game as it should be taught. Now, I find that I don't teach hitting the correct way, I use the wrong terms, my pitching philosopy stinks, HECK THE WAY I TEACH A BATTER TO APPRAOCH AN AT-BAT WITH A PLAN STINKS, etc. Can I come and watch some of the experts coach? I don't want to continue to mess my kids up!!! Maybe, I need to ...

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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BlueDog, really, my kids are great. The game is changing so much but then again, is it changing at all. I have read so much the last few weeks and am redoing all of our Player's Manuel. Then, you get a different idea and think of some better way and... BTW, I really think that innovations such as using a TIVO to watch games and then record to break down the games from professionals etc. will really help the game or at least the coaching change. Just a thought!
Originally posted by CoachB25:
After reading the various posts the last few days, I am thinking I need to reassess coaching baseball. I thought I did relatively well and taught the game as it should be taught. Now, I find that I don't teach hitting the correct way, I use the wrong terms, my pitching philosopy stinks, HECK THE WAY I TEACH A BATTER TO APPRAOCH AN AT-BAT WITH A PLAN STINKS, etc. Can I come and watch some of the experts coach? I don't want to continue to mess my kids up!!! Maybe, I need to ...

Is this whining? If so, maybe you need to.....
bluedog, teacherman...we have all heard you both profess your great knowledge with "no" backround, and continue to see you post your know it all giberish...sorry, but I would love to see the both of you face any pitcher of any website member and demonstrate your hitting knowledge on the field as coaches are both non-distinct B...S......and definitely lack any form of credibility.

Moderators...delete away if you wish, but I am tired of their agenda's.

I personally needed to get this off my chest.
Some people have payed their dues and have some history to give an opinion or an idea that has a foundational basis in experience. You both profess things as fact and the only way to do come from nowhere with nothing, afraid to let people know your experience if any.

Glad you found a place to be transparent and profess philosophies behind your avatar.

Share your coaching-teaching experience, so we have some basis for your ideas...I know, you told us credentials don't matter...that is your problem...getting recognition.

It is called "cyberspace" coaching-- you don't need any background in the sport--all you need to do is visit the sites of others and then regurgitate what you read in a slightly different form.


don't worry about it--I don't think that these "space jockeys" can shine your shoes-- you keep working with the kids they way you have been--they appreciate you
Last edited by TRhit
Originally posted by Teacherman:
Is this whining? If so, maybe you need to.....

Teacherman, believe me, my tongue was in my cheek all of the time I posted this topic. In fact, I was laughing as I posted it. What I really believe is just the opposite and I prove it works. You're close enough to check this program out anytime you want. Other posters can checkout this program anytime by simply checking the IHSA website or by following coverage in the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

I do believe that I, and other coaches, have to constantly review what they do and think long and hard about what they do. As a matter of fact, I was re-doing my Player's Manuel when I took a timeout to check the site and then laughed at some of the other posts and how they were critical of what and how people do their jobs. That first post was really for humor's sake. Teacherman, anytime you want to show me your place of business and let me observe a lesson, I'll be there in a heartbeat. JUST GIVE ME A CALL!
Coach- from reading so many of your posts I knew right away that it was tongue in cheek! There should be more coaches like you and so many of the others who post here. I am a parent (a reasonable one I like to think) and I often find myself shaking my head and wondering how some parents justify the things they say to coaches. For instance..... oh no, I'm not going to start telling tales Cool ...But rest assured I have some good ones! keep up the good work!
Originally posted by amom:
Coach- from reading so many of your posts I knew right away that it was tongue in cheek! There should be more coaches like you and so many of the others who post here. I am a parent (a reasonable one I like to think) and I often find myself shaking my head and wondering how some parents justify the things they say to coaches. For instance..... oh no, I'm not going to start telling tales Cool ...But rest assured I have some good ones! keep up the good work!

AMom, thanks, as a teacher, I know I'm in trouble when I try to get funny and the kids just stare at me. You know, if you have to explain it then it wasn't funny. I do know I don't come off well at times when I post.
CoachB25- Anytime you come to Michigan and want to give an impromptu coaching lesson or run a practice, I have a program in Grand Blanc that would be honored to have you!
Don't worry about online gibberish - I think that many on this site (including Teacherman, Lambert, BlueDog, etc.) COULD provide valuable information, but many times people are more interested in starting a fight than making a difference.
Coach, keep posting. I have learned a great deal from you and so many others, and I hope that those of us who use this site as info and not to spew garbage will continue to encourage and help each other to rise to the top of our profession.
Originally posted by Sorpe:
Coach B25,

Your post about explaining jokes made me think of Margaret Thatcher's quote: "Being powerful is like being a lady; if you have to tell people you are, you aren't."

BTW, I thought your initial post was an attempt at humor as well.

Thanks! Great Quote about being a Lady. I'll use that one in the future.

On a much more serious note, while I was being tongue and cheek, the real concerns are there. WHO REALLY IS RIGHT? It seems that so many fads come and go. Then, so many appropriate changes come to the forefront. If a coach isn't learning something new each day, he/she just might be falling behind.
Originally posted by Coach Knight:
CoachB25- Anytime you come to Michigan and want to give an impromptu coaching lesson or run a practice, I have a program in Grand Blanc that would be honored to have you!
Don't worry about online gibberish - I think that many on this site (including Teacherman, Lambert, BlueDog, etc.) COULD provide valuable information, but many times people are more interested in starting a fight than making a difference.
Coach, keep posting. I have learned a great deal from you and so many others, and I hope that those of us who use this site as info and not to spew garbage will continue to encourage and help each other to rise to the top of our profession.

Coach Knight, to be sure, if I ever make it up that way again, I'll be sure to contact you first! I sure hope that happens some day soon. BTW, for someone that doesn't know much, this week, I've been asked to speak at 3 different clinics. What is shocking is that I've been asked to speak on "How to Build a Championship Program," "Bunting as an Offensive Weapon," and a co presentation on "High School Pitching." Guess I'd better accept these before someone figures out I dont' know anything. LOL! Judging from your posts and some stuff we swapped, I bet I could learn a bunch just sitting in the stands and watching you work.
It has been my experience that all good coaches learn from one another---the game of baseball has NO ONE WAY to go about it---the methods that work for the successful coaches are the "right methods" for them but PERHAPS not for me or you depending on the talent on our respective teams---you cannot play small ball if you do not have small ball players--- you cannot sit back and wait for thunder if you don't have any bats with thunder-- the size of your field may well dictate the kind of game you play
CoachB25, TRhit, etc...I just wish I had this tool available to me when I got started coaching 17-18 baseball in 1989, at the ripe old age of 23.

I was asked recently what my career coaching record was as manager of the Columbia Reds. Being a math/stats guy, and having great statisticians over the years, I was able to figure out that our summer programs went 443-310 over the 15 years I was manager. I guess that means I coached enough games to have an opinion or two.

I wish I was the coach in the early 90's I was in the late 90's. Every year, we as a coaching staff would re-evaluate and try to learn from our mistakes. I feel like we cheated the kids over the first few lean years. We tried hard, and even though our staff was comprised of accomplished former players, we found out quickly the difference between playing and teaching the game!

I hope people recognize this forum, and others like it, as a tool to use in their development as a coach, player, parent or fan. I know I have learned alot since GOOGLE got me here some time ago.

I thank all who take the time to contribute, no matter the motivation. Some of the raking back and forth is kind of fun to read!

You brought up a good point. I believe every coach has learned valuable things from opposing coaches. In fact, I believe this is an area where coaches can learn the very most. It might take a little (leaving your ego at the door) but there’s a lot that can be learned if you have an open mind.

A personal example:

When I was coaching in college, we were playing against a team that had a coach that really deserved little respect. He was a loud mouth, foul mouthed, guy who coached by using intimidation.

We had the bases loaded with 2 outs. Our hitter had a full count. Their pitcher, out of the stretch, picked his leg up high and stepped right at 3B. Then he immediately sprinted at our runner trying to get a good jump at 2B and tagged him out as he (our runner) was setting on his rear end about 15 feet off 2B completely baffled.

Bases loaded, full count and they got out of the inning without throwing a pitch. Was I mad? Yes! Did I learn anything? Yes!

The above play became part of our playbook. It became an “automatic” play every time we were in that situation. We had nothing to lose if it didn’t work (remained bases loaded, 2 outs, full count). But it did work at least twice for our team in the years that I coached. And what a boost when it did work! And it was all learned from a coach I didn’t like.

I can’t tell you how much I learned from opposing coaches in my life. It’s always possible you can learn a lot, if you’re willing to learn. I bet nearly every coach at every level who posts on this site has had similar experiences. I’ve had many more!

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