With regionals fast approaching, I was thinking about the new pitching rules (which are a little dumb) and the state tournament. Not that the VHSL ever thinks about these things ahead of time, but it's important to note that the state tourney is scheduled to take place on June 4, 7, and 8 (assuming no rain).
The reason those dates matter is that there are only three rest days between the QF and the state championship. Even if your ace only goes four innings in the state QF (or, actually, if he throws 3+ innings), the most he could pitch if your team makes the state title game is three innings.
I can't speak to teams from other regions that have won the state title, but, at least as far as the champs that have come out of the Central Region, I can't think of a single one off-hand who wouldn't have been in violation of the rules if they had played under a similar schedule. In other words, most teams that have won the state crown (and 100% of the ones I can think of) have used the same pitcher in the QF and the F, if not in all three games.
As an example, Austin Stadler threw 5 innings in the QF in 2007, then came back and threw a complete game in the state championship. In 1999, Tommy Edelblut pitched shutouts in both the QF and F for Godwin. Robbie Preston pitched all 21 innings of the state tournament for Clover Hill in 1994.
My point is that, if this is the rule the VHSL wanted, they should have changed the state tournament schedule to allow four rest days between the first and third games. As it stands now, unless there's rain, coaches will either have to risk doing a pitching-by-committee thing in one of the games (which gets tricky due to the rules as well), or resign themselves to pitching a down-the-line guy in a huge game.
This matters less in the regional tournament, when a lot of coaches don't use an ace in the regional final anyway, since it's not an elimination game. But the state tournament could get ugly.
What would be even uglier would be a team forfeiting a state title because someone loses track of this dumb rule.
I'm not opposed to limits of some kind, but these limits are poor on a number of fronts, not the least of which is the scheduling of the state tournament. If it were me, and it were possible, I would try to convince my state QF opponent to play on Monday in order to create an extra rest day. I feel like any coach would be amenable to that, since that decision would benefit whichever team won.