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Should he have done what he did, probably not, but no big deal IMO.

Where was his rant about being "in first place?" Or whatever nonsense he had last year. All I gotta say about this clown is, who won the big trophy last year big boy?

Time for him to grow up and act like a ballplayer! It is a big deal because he has developed a history of this type of stuff.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 08Dad:
I've cleaned up this thread - deleting a variety of posts related to an offensive post. Hopefully we can get back on track now.



I find it odd that the title of this thread "The Punk is back" is not deemed offensive.

That's not surprising at all. It seems that you lack the requisite judgement for offensiveness, hence your confusion.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 08Dad:
I've cleaned up this thread - deleting a variety of posts related to an offensive post. Hopefully we can get back on track now.



I find it odd that the title of this thread "The Punk is back" is not deemed offensive.

That's not surprising at all. It seems that you lack the requisite judgement for offensiveness, hence your confusion.


Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Still old... And lame.

Then don't read it. And maybe learn something before telling off everybody on the site within the first week of you being here..

Telling off everyone? Hardly. I like how you started a thread simply "The Punk Is Back..." and then tell people not to read it. Maybe leave your sarcastic comments for for family... I'm sure they enjoy them more.
Last edited by coach_10
Originally posted by coach_10:
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Still old... And lame.

Then don't read it. And maybe learn something before telling off everybody on the site within the first week of you being here..

Telling off everyone? Hardly. I like how you started a thread simply "The Punk Is Back..." and then tell people not to read it. Maybe leave your sarcastic comments for for family... I'm sure they enjoy them more.

I am not understanding why if you thought the topic was lame why would you bring it back to the top by posting in it?

Keep in mind that this topic has been altered so it may not make all that much sense.
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by coach_10:
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Still old... And lame.

Then don't read it. And maybe learn something before telling off everybody on the site within the first week of you being here..

Telling off everyone? Hardly. I like how you started a thread simply "The Punk Is Back..." and then tell people not to read it. Maybe leave your sarcastic comments for for family... I'm sure they enjoy them more.

I am not understanding why if you thought the topic was lame why would you bring it back to the top by posting in it?

Keep in mind that this topic has been altered so it may not make all that much sense.

My first post was 2-3 days after the last. Just saying it's old news, if any news, at all. Then cool guy mouths off. How is it lame one may ask? Clearly this post is an attempt to rant and flame a professional ball player. Big deal. The misspelling of Nyjer is what's borderline racist and lame. "Nyger" seemed like a weak attempt to degrade the player as a human, instead of just a ball player. That's all now...
Last edited by coach_10
I have known biggerpapi and Bulldog for many, many years.
I have never known either one to be racist, if that is what you are implying. We all love the game and it bothers us when we see players be disrespectful in any way they should not.

We've had some discussions here before about Morgan and his unprofessional behavior. He's lucky he's got the tools.

My son is a professional baseball player at a lower level. The way I see it Morgan is offensive (I will refrain from using the word punk that I have used in the past), he still hasn't learned lessons.

He is not good for the game.
Originally posted by TPM:
I have known biggerpapi and Bulldog for many, many years.
I have never known either one to be racist, if that is what you are implying. We all love the game and it bothers us when we see players be disrespectful in any way they should not.

We've had some discussions here before about Morgan and his unprofessional behavior. He's lucky he's got the tools.

Also, "He is not good for the game." is an opinion. Ty Cobb wasn't good for the game now was he? Based on your admission he would be in the same category. Steroid era actually brought baseball to a new height. It was wildly popular once again. Good for the game or not? Adding a second wildcard team- good or not. We could go on forever. Don't tell me if Nyjer Morgan was removed completely, this game would be issue free. I just don't get it.

My son is a professional baseball player at a lower level. The way I see it Morgan is offensive (I will refrain from using the word punk that I have used in the past), he still hasn't learned lessons.

He is not good for the game.

Was steroids good for the game? If you say yes, then you are being hypocritical simply because Morgan's attitude (negativity) is external, 'roids were covered up. If you say no, then the 85% or so who were on them were bad for the game. Why not blast ALL those guys either? I haven't seen a post on here about "The Juicer Is Back" talking about Andy Pettit. I guaranty there are 1-2 Nyjer Morgan's on EVERY baseball club in the MLB. I think it is goofy singling out one particular player when the league is full of them.
Last edited by coach_10
He is not good for the game.

You are entitled to your opinion. However, you are essentially saying Ty Cobb was not good for the game either. He was the king of jerks. Babe Ruth was not good for the game because he was too mouthy. See where I'm getting at? If you are going to call out one, you have to call out all. Being "good for the game" is relative. Why? Once again, steroid era brought baseball to an all time popularity boost. Was that good for the game?
Last edited by coach_10
Originally posted by coach_10:
I guaranty there are 1-2 Nyjer Morgan's on EVERY baseball club in the MLB. I think it is goofy singling out one particular player when the league is full of them.

Can you name them?

I can't. I can name Morgan because he has a history of making news...that's negative.

To be honest with you, I really have no clue what you are trying to get across. You've been here a week and not making friends, for sure.

If people view him as a punk, is it because he has presented himself that way.
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by coach_10:
I guaranty there are 1-2 Nyjer Morgan's on EVERY baseball club in the MLB. I think it is goofy singling out one particular player when the league is full of them.

Can you name them?

I can't. I can name Morgan because he has a history of making news...that's negative.

To be honest with you, I really have no clue what you are trying to get across. You've been here a week and not making friends, for sure.

If people view him as a punk, is it because he has presented himself that way.

Do you really think I care about "making friends" on a message board? Since when do you have to make news to be a jerk on the team? What am I trying to get across? Nothing except the fact you jumped into something you were absolutely unprepared for. I despise ignorant comments and people who think they are cool because they have virtual friends on internet message boards. Good enough for you?
I really shouldn't have to respond but I'll get this out then I'm done with this gentleman.

The player in question is a terrific and exciting ballplayer.

He also has had a very publicly-known history of acting like a punk on the field.

Sure other players do as well. I wasn't talking about them because they didn't initiate physical contact with a fan on the day I posted.

Apparently his name is spelled with a J and not a G. I know that now. I refuse to address that ridiculous accusation any further.

Andy Pettite behaves himself and quickly fessed up to using steroids for recuperation from injury (I hope that's accurate). He did not act like Clemens, McGwire and Palmerio.

See ya "coach."
Last edited by biggerpapi

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