Could Juan Marichal survive under the microscope of todays guru? Is there any chance a pitching coach would have left this delivery be?..he would have been cookie cuttered in a heart beat. He may have never pitched in the big leagues let alone be a hall of famer.
So many things in all aspects of sport have evolved and progressed. I dont know why pitching, and the mechanics behind it have not followed suit. There was a time when so many pitchers on a staff could give hitters a different look. Deception, power, and style is being taken away from pitchers. I have trouble picking up when new pitchers have been put into a game unless im paying attention to the number on his back (identical deliveries). I keep hearing terms like wasted motion, leg sweeping, to much counter rotation, and striding closed used to describe mechanical flaws. I feel the proof should be in the pudding...Todays pitchers pitch less innings, get hurt more, have way worse stats, less control, all while being bigger and stronger then their predessors and pitching on an extra day rest. I look at the delveries from previous decades and I see human sligshots, I see style and momentum, I see pitchers putting themselves in such powerful positions with such great results, human catapults that endured 300 plus innings a year. Maybe we need to turn back the clock....
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