Originally posted by infielddad:
Old fricking news, jack.
The surgical procedure (i.e. in which a ligament in the medial elbow is replaced with a tendon (often from the patient's forearm, hamstring, knee, or foot) will soon be 35 years from being successfully performed (by Jobe) on the first professional athlete. A thirty five year old procedure is, by definition, frickin greying!
OBTW: I have seen surgeon's success numbers as high
as 85 to 90%. This is NOT the same as the rehab success percentages (which are much lower.)
The risk is damage to the nerve.
(Remember... when Marshall informed Jobe to go
back into John's elbow to re-route the ulna nerve!)
Why do arm's sometimes throw harder after surgery and about a year of rehab?
#1 Pitchers' rehab conditioning is maturing.
#2 UCL degradation takes several years.
Degradation.. How? The collateral becomes stretched, frayed or torn. There are stresses
with the throwing motion.
Who remembers the "Little League Elbow" injury
debate/ discussion. Growth Plates. That too is frickin old news!
Knock yourself out with some or all of
these References (some have frickin aged, some are fresher than others
Should you need or want an interpreter, ask JT he's a helpful kind of guy and is in the business. (I prefer these over the Cliff notes.
a. Keri, Jonah, Interview With Frank Jobe.
http://espn.go.com/mlb/columns/bp/1431308.html b. Fleisig, G.S., The biomechanics of baseball pitching, in Biomechanical Engineering. 1994, University of Alabama: Birmingham. p. 163.
c. Lyman, S., et al., Longitudinal study of elbow and shoulder pain in youth baseball pitchers. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2001. 33(11): p. 1803-10.
d. Lyman, S., et al., Effect of pitch type, pitch count, and pitching mechanics on risk of elbow and shoulder pain in youth baseball pitchers.
Am Journal Sports Med, 2002. 30(4): p. 463-8.
e. Whiteley, R., Baseball throwing mechanics as they relate to pathology and performance - a review. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 2007. 6(1): p. 1-20.
f. Purcell DB, Matava MJ, Wright RW (2007). "Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction: a systematic review". Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 455: 72–7. doi:10.1097/BLO.0b013e31802eb447. PMID 17279038.
For those using only Cliff Notes type info:
check out URL for the 2003 USA Today article:
postscript: Have you ever heard of "Tommy Bear" surgery (on the elbow/arm). Now that [procedure] is a "relatively" new!