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Not sure if affiliated with PG, know the email came from Ben Ford, assuming related to PGStaff.  Email indicates, coaches in region nominated BFS Jr., and if we pay $399 within a 72 hour deadline, he will reserve his spot in this event.  Received plenty of these that I know are just mass emails, where nobody nominated anyone, just hoping to get sign-ups. 


Is this one different, exclusive, or just a mass email?


We have a busy schedule already, with some actual exclusive invite events where the inviting party actually plays all expenses, so trying to weed out the "waste of times", versus actual elite invite events.


Any input very much appreciated.



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Originally Posted by Back foot slider:

That's my point...the email indicates nomination, and exclusivity....sounds like it may not be too difficult to get the email your son, and my son received today.

My understanding is that a coach must nominate your son to a regional director and then you are vetted from that point before invitation is sent out.

I like the concept of geographic specific all-star type team assignments competing against other geographic specific ball players.  My kid would be on a team with others in the area (but not necessarily same school).  Would be like a tribe competing against other tribes.  Question is quality of play/players and availability/presence of recruiters/scouts/coaches at the next level.

It seems that this could be another round to get enough kids.Could be with event being new theres some sceptizm with just whats the deal.From what i've read here the people involved are serious baseball people.Could take a year or so to get things going in right direction.From a marketing stand point something did not go right.I would bet that will be fixed before next season.I too like the concept.Getting the invite from H.S. coach might have been a better way to get kids involved.IMO with what it costs now days especially for the soph. and Jr. class kids coming up with another 4 bills plus expenses probably isn't the best path to get those kids.

I've received a couple of emails about coaching and my son received an invite a few weeks ago.  A friend of ours is going and he was just informed they are combining two age groups due to lack of numbers.  You can do the math, I don't see how they are going to get that many players in each age group to spend a week in Florida for something that has no history.      

Spoke to the regional director a couple of weeks back.  Because it's the first year, he said they decided to forego tryouts and have an invite only.  For Wisconsin, kids are recommended by various travel team coaches based on how they played at various tournaments here, coaches decided from there who they wanted.  For the 2017 class here, he said only 22 invites were sent out, looking at teams of 18-22.  The coaches appear to be from 2 of the top travel teams here in state.  I liked it because it was based on performance on the field rather than what was done at a showcase.  Son is going and I hope it's a good experience.  I'm viewing this as a great opportunity for him.  At worst we spent a little too much to play at some very nice facilities (7-9 games) and to have a nice vacation in Florida.  Hopefully the info I received turns out to be true and it helps you.

I started the thread on this under the showcase forum, son got the same email everyone else is getting.  Director of his travel ball program from last season is apparently involved, but I get the distinct impression this is a mass-mail see who pays up kind of thing.  There are theoretically 3 regions in GA, and maybe I'm underselling my son, but I don't think he's really in top the 20 players in NE GA.


Maybe I'm wrong though, and the D1 offers are going to start rolling in soon.  

My 2015 has gotten several invites to this.  But it looks like there are no events for 2015's.   Take that for what it's worth.  The first email he got did mention a 2015 event in the "Classic."  But now there is none scheduled.  He still got the email a few days ago, inviting him to register for the Classic.   


I take this to suggest that the invite list is generated off some mass e-mail list or something, rather than be actual nominations.  


But, hey, I tend to be a cynical type dude.


Ben Ford wrote to tell us that they are combining 2015 and 2016's.    I think they were originally going to have two distinct events -- that's what the original e-mail said.  Must not have gotten the numbers.


Not sure if the kid will do it.  Not doing much traveling this summer, mostly working to get ready for college ball.  If we knew it was going to be an intense level of competition,  we might do it. 

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