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TPM, so true! On my first day of teaching which was about a million years ago, a student walked into the school with a rifle in an attempt to kill his previous year's math teacher for "giving him a B." Thank goodness on that day, he would have failed rifle range. He got off a couple of shots but only hit the walls.

You're right that it isn't new. TRULY SAD!
Last edited by CoachB25
Cazenovia is a rural town that does not and will never have a promising future. Good rural people. For the most part those kids, like many rural kids, have been thrust into the hard drug scene face first, and with the help of the almighty internet have a false impression of the real world and it's problems. This is not an excuse, just a documented issue on the problems of rural America where alcohol and drug use combine with a parents unfortunate ignorance to identify these problems.
Last edited by rz1
I don't think that we can single out baseball players but rather thank god for kids with focus, dreams, and ambition. This positive mentality can be anything from athletics to debate clubs to Future Farmers of America (FFA), and everything in between. So often it all comes down to "family values", and a growing sliver of society is losing grasp of that concept and that minority is affecting the majority of good people in a bad way.
Last edited by rz1

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