That one needs to seperate wash or white sliders will take on a pink hue.
One can get cash from the debit side of your visa check card only.
One needs to learn home zip code when getting gas at the pump. Again, it won't work if you have no money in your account.
They are serious when the sign says no parking without a premit.
Law enforcement officials don't care what state you are from, speeding is speeding.
Oakley sun glasses and an ipod don't belong on the floor where one can step on and break them. Desks are provided.
Ping pong has never been as much fun as it is in college.
The electric bill will be much higher when the AC is left on at 60 degrees and every TV in the house and lights remain on for 8 hours a day when no one is home.
Cell phones are not hockey pucks and should be removed from ones pants when using the bathroom.
That black and pink stuff in the toilet is called mold.
Sheets should be washed more than once a semester.
It's easier sharing one bathroom with 4 guys than one sister.
When boiling spaghetti for the very first time one needs to make sure there is enough water in the pot.
Food in the refrigerator doesn't last forever. Expiration dates are there for a reason.
Plastic cups and paper plates can be expensive, but much easier than washing.
If you use liquid dish detergent in the dishwasher you will understand the meaning of tiny (and many) bubbles.
Garbage cans should be emptied at least once a day, not once a week.
Using a laundry hamper is so much more convenient than letting your dirty clothes lie on the floor.
One needs to check their mailbox occasionally so you can receive the mail sent to you a month ago.
Mom and dad are not here, but I will learn and survive on my own, eventually.
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