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Let us bring to the front of our memories those who paid the ultimate price, so that you and I could enjoy freedom. So that others - people not even their relatives, friends or even fellow countrymen - could escape the iron fist of tyranny. So that future generations could see a better world - even though many in those generations would forget that freedom in this world must be earned with a terrible price. That freedom cannot be wished into being. That some dictators cannot be turned into reasonable, rational human beings regardless of the depth, quantity or sincerity of dialogue. That evil must at times, sadly, be confronted with force.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

And let us also remember those who serve their country today. Who are battling the evil of terrorism in a war that some have already forgotten and others try to deny. May we remember the sacrifice they make, as they are away from their families and homes. May God bless them and their families.

May we always remember, and teach our children to remember.
"Show me a guy who won't pitch inside and I'll show you a loser" Sandy Koufax
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Nice post, sometimes we can get so busy with our lives, and baseball when there is a war going on. A lot of young men being critically wounded and in the big scheme of things makes our problems with coaches , play time etc. very insignificant. Remember to pray for all the young men and their families that are in the middle of it right now.
Thank you Texan!

And thank you so much to all the sons, brothers, husbands and fathers ... sisters, daughters, wives and mothers ... who have served, and are serving today. Quite a few HS Baseball Web members have close family members who are serving. A special prayer for them today. God bless all of them!

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