First off, I just made my 2nd lifetime donation to this website. I admit I've held off in the past because I've felt ostracized here (COVID, college free speech, PG 9 BMW kid doing 105 in 45mph zone). But honestly I've obtained a lot of knowledge by being here and I urge anyone who has benefited to consider doing the same.
This is high school baseball web. But there is actually an inordinate amount of focus on college. And we certainly celebrate the remarkable few who make it into the holy grail of professional baseball. I'm guilty of placing too much importance on my kids reaching college baseball. I've been here around 7 years trying to help my 2 kids who've had many ups and downs with high school baseball success and injuries. It has been a fascinating journey. As I reflect, I realize now how much my priorities and expectations have changed over time. My poor oldest son. I'm embarrassed at some of my comments and behavior with him in regards to baseball and academics. I've apologized to him several times and he's been gracious enough to forgive me.
This site is dominated by a relatively small number of people. It not to say they shouldn't post but I suspect it is actually a big community here. As I write this, it says there are 465 people online. But almost none of them ever post anything. This site can goes days without a new comment. And when someone like Francis posts something new (which I appreciate just to keep the ball moving), it almost always devolves into someone else ridiculing him. If you find it annoying, just don't respond. Easy.
As an open invitation to high school and jr high kids (and their parents), please ask questions and post insights from your experiences. You should post freely and also message people directly with questions.