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Like so many of our HSBBWEB families - both of our young men are home - and even though our food budget is now a nightmare LOL - it has really been an eye opener.

Just my own reflections - but this year is more different than any before when it comes to baseball. What I noticed most is this:

When they want to talk about baseball - it isnt about what good things they did this past year - or what good things happened to them.

Instead - its about what they feel they need to do to improve parts of their game. The older guy talks about changes in preparation - and approaches to certain at bats - the younger guy is talking about routes to the ball and patience at the plate. And on and on.

Nothing about what they have done - and everything about what they need to do in the future.

I am very impressed with both of them - (and surprised that the younger one has picked up on the older one so quickly).

I haven't a clue whether either of them will play 5 more games at their respective levels - or 1,000 more games - but at this point - I realized that it dont make all that much difference anymore to me.

I probably havent expressed myself well with this little ditty - but it is really how I feel.

I hope you all enjoy your children home for the Holidays and I wish the entire HSBBWEB "family" a safe and happy and healthy Christmas.

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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I hear what you are saying. No talk about what you did accomplish this year (you got in more innings than last) but about how one can improve for the next ones coming up this spring. Smile

FWIW, my son is about to get engaged, so baseball is the last thing we are talking about these days!

Happy holidays and a very healthy and happy new year to all of our HSBBWsters and their families.
Last edited by TPM

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