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It is not fair to say that all kids do not respect the game, but I was coaching a GSBA game this week and the team we were playing was a disgrace to baseball. Walking onto and off the field, no hustle, at one point their coach attempted to give instruction to his catcher and the catcher responded "I don't care I don't even want to catch". If that was my player I would have sent him home. Any thoughts? Am I off base here or do you also see this out there? All I know is that if I tried to pull half the **** these kids today do, my coaches would have ripped into me.
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I do have to say that I disagree that "this young group of Nh players don't respect the game". There are a lot of good kids out there, but I can understand granites frustrations because he played for and really cares about the town that was the embarrassment. As an outsider I really was baffled and found the happenings odd and embarrassing. The inmates were truely running the asylum.
That cr@p wouldn't be tolerated on my son's AAU team or his Babe Ruth team for that matter. But the coaches demand respect from the players and in turn receive it. Maybe the other coach doesn't demand the respect and the kids then took over the team. I know my son regularly carries the equipment to the coaches car, even on his school team where he was a main cog. There still are some kids out there that respect coaches and the game. I don't carry his bag either, but then again my chair weighs more then his
In comparision to that game I wrote about a few weeks ago, last night my team played the Souhegan Valley Saints coached by the Merrimack High School Coaching staff, these kids were what you expect out of youth baseball players. They respected the game, played hard, ran on and off the field, took a good infield/outfield and played till the last out. This group was well coached, Coach Anderson and Coach D (I apologize I am not sure what his actual name is I know he goes by Coach D though), where fantastic with the kids. If I had a son I would want him to play for coaches like these.
We had a coach on the other team, visiting team I might add, slap a player in the face between innings after he made an error. Everyone saw it and hear him swearing at the kid except the umpires. My biggest problem with this was that none of the parents on that team said anything to the coach. Which lead me to believe that this has happened before. I spoke with the coach and told him to keep his hands to himself and close his mouth or he was going to be removed. He told me that is was his son and that is how he coaches, I responded not on our fields.
Players today are soft. They are not mentally tough and do not know how to take critisism. Not all players, but a majority. The coaches can't coach how they would like because all the parents complaining. It is aweful how a coach will get a parent phone call because he yelled at a player. If you don't want to get yelled at you shouldnt play this game. It is needed to get a kick in the pants sometime and to get pushed.

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