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I apologize in advance for posting this thread in the "General Items" forum. I know that it is custom to generally announce commitments on the "College Commitments" page, but given the content of my post I would like to request forgiveness in an effort to reach as many people as possible. I also apologize for the length, but for the same reason mentioned above, it is unavoidable.

You may recognize me as the player from the following thread:

Quite a lot has changed since then, and I have learned a lot not only about baseball, but also about life. Rewinding back a bit, if you aren't already bored to tears, I'd like to tell you a bit about the triumphs and tribulations that I’ve encountered while playing this great game that we all love.

I began playing in 6th grade as a somewhat precocious and pudgy 11 year old. The only reason that I began playing is because I had just moved into a new school district and had no friends to speak of, really. My parents thought that it would be a good idea for me to get involved in a team sport because they really didn’t know how else I would learn to function in an intertwined society with an introverted personality. Alas, the next thing I knew I had a bat in my hands and cleats on my feet, anxiety abound as I wondered how I would fare in a sport that neither my parents nor I knew anything about.

Needless to say, I was awful. During my first season, if I wasn’t striking out then I was tripping over myself in the outfield. Error after error, loss after loss, our team’s record and my ego seemed to sink lower and lower each day. However, somewhere between the 0 for 4 games and the ground balls that seemed to roll just past me every time, I began to appreciate the nuances of the game. The rhythm of a pitcher as he came set had a certain musical enigma to it that I thoroughly appreciated. The wafting scent of peanuts and the sound of cheering crowds just tied it all together for me. By the end of the season, I was in love.

Unfortunately, the game didn’t love me back. Just when I worked up the courage to try out for a travel team, I was cut from the first five that I went out for. This would lead to a very tumultuous 5 year span where my skill set seemed to creep up incrementally, but not nearly at the pace that I needed to keep up with my peers. To give some perspective, my high school currently has 5 D1 committed players, 1 D2, a Team USA MVP, and 2 JUCO-bound studs. Not the easiest circumstances to stand out in, especially as a novice.

Nonetheless, I kept working hard, always pushing myself in the weight room and on the field. I caught a break in 9th grade, finally making the high school team, but in the subsequent years I was cut and left on the outside once again. I learned during these years exactly how malicious teenagers can be; I got made fun of on a regular basis for my failures in the game. Instead of lashing back, I chose to turn the indignation within me into motivation, working harder and harder until I finally shaped up to be a solid ballplayer. My most recent accomplishments include leading my summer team this year in batting average and getting my velocity up to the mid 80’s.

Thanks to the advice of several very knowledgeable and helpful members of this board, I decided to attend the Headfirst Honor Roll showcase in Long Island this August. My board scores are pretty solid (3.6 GPA, 2200 SAT) so I really targeted high-academic schools. Long story short (ironic, right?), I did fairly well and garnered some interest after the camp. Real coaches? Talking to me? Picture a little kid in a candy store. That’s exactly what I felt like after taking visits and meeting coaches. I was finally a real ballplayer.
To give this story a good ending, I’m happy to say that I’ve committed to and recently received my admissions notification from Oberlin College in Ohio. The overwhelming sense of pride that I have knowing that I’ve achieved my goal and will get the chance to study at one of the premier institutions in the country is amazing. The journey isn’t over, however, and I look forward to the new challenges I will face with my teammates as a college baseball player.

My purpose in writing this post isn’t to brag or practice for my autobiography. I just know that there are hundreds of kids around the country that face the same kind of obstacles and adversity that I did in pursuit of their goals, whether it’s baseball or something entirely different. I’ve gotten cut from 14 teams in my lifetime. I once had a coach yell at me that I wasn’t good enough to play college baseball. I’ve been the target of ridicule and malice for the better part of my high school years. I just want you all to know that it is possible, you can achieve your dreams, but it has to come passionately from deep inside of you.

My message isn’t that things are going to be easy. In fact, what you go through to reach your goals, especially in baseball, are going to be some of the most physically and mentally draining things that you’ve ever done. You have to fight for every step. There are many things that “normal” teenagers do that you will have to sacrifice in the pursuit of greatness. But if there is a will there is a way, and I implore you never let anyone get between you and your dreams. The feeling of accomplishing something that you’ve coveted for so long is unexplainable. I regret that many people won’t experience it because they are discouraged and quit too early. Please use me as an example of one that made it; I promise that you can do it too.
Work hard, never give up, and always chase your goals. You never know what may happen.

Thanks for reading,
Machmud Makhmudov
"I'm better than I was yesterday, but not as good as I will be tommorrow."
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Young man I am so proud of you. The traits that you exhibit at such a young age are admirable. You will do very well in life. Your post is so inspiring that a I hope that a lot of young folks will read and be encourage to chase their dreams. In fact a lot of old folks on this board could benefit from your post including myself.

I have only one request for you, please pass your wisdom onto your peers and others and let us know how you do your high school year and in college.

Good luck, although I doubt that you will need it,
You know I'm honestly speechless right now because I can't think of the words to really convey how awesome it is to what you've done. If there's anybody who should throw their chest out and feel some pride and do a little bragging it is you.

Congratulations and awesome job of writing. You can tell that you have got "it" to make yourself successful.
Great post 7steps! As a parent, I can see how proud your parents must be of where you've been, what you have accomplished, and how you've grown.

The trip isn't over, it is just beginning. There will likely be more obstacles but I don't think they will pose much of a problem for you.

Best of luck in the classroom and in between those white lines. What a thrill playing College baseball will be!

Thank you for your post. I enjoyed it, and I will be sharing it with some people I know that are in a similiar position as you were. You've learned a valuable life lesson, and learned a lot about yourself in the process. As Prime9 suggests the trip isn't over, it is just beginning. Best of luck. I'm sure many will be watching your progress at Oberlin.

Happy Holidays!
Congratulations. I'm proud of you for many, many reasons. Here are just a few:

1. Your hard work;
2. Your incredible strength to pick yourself up time and time, again;
3. Your excellent work in the classroom;
4. Your ability to write complete sentences; and
5. Your willingness to share all of that with us.

Congratulations, Son. All the best.
Wow! 7Steps your story is most inspirational. Congratulations on your accomplishments and your ability to tune out the naysayers. You have layed the ground work for a bright and successful future.
Good luck! and please keep us informed in the years to come.
Also my hats off to your English composition teacher,you have a great ability to tell a story.
Machmud (7Steps)

I checked the link you provided and found this reply I posted. The reason I copied it here is because it is one time that I was actually right. You proved it and YOU are a great example of what determination can accomplish! I don't have much to add but congratualtions and best of luck. I will continue to pull for you even though you won't need it. You are a true leader!


Think I would probably wait until later to contact any DI coaches.

Kind of neat reading an honest post from a very intelligent and classy young man, both in the class room and in baseball. I think you will find a way to succeed.

You are a great example for other young players. No blasting the coaches, No problem with others who did make the team. No complaints about someone not seeing your talent. No excuses!!! Just a real determination to do what it takes to accomplish your goals.

I will be one of many who will be pulling for you.

Sorry for the lack of advice. Do I know who you are? If not, could you PM that info?

Congratulations to you. I admire your drive and determination, it's quite impressive. Furthermore, your writing skills for a 17-18 year old is outstanding. Reading positive stories from other's on this site is what the HSBBWeb is all about. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Now enjoy the remainder of your senior year of high school.
Congratuations to you! For those that haven't read the original post, please do. 7Steps was walking in the shoes (cleats?) of several of the players at Keewarts son school last season so I could empathize - - players that got cut from the high school team after playing a game they loved for years. I am so glad Headfirst worked out for you! Good job!
Last edited by keewart
Originally posted by birdman14:
7Steps -

I remember reading your original post and was pulling for you to be successful. What fantastic news that you have fought through all the adversity. Oberlin College, what a fine school indeed! Congratulations and don't let all the hard effort end. Keep working hard!

Congratulations to you. Keep in mind that the journey has not ended, but just beginning!

Keep in touch best of luck, hope that you will be able to make your HS team this year! Keep working hard.
This is one of my favorite threads on HSBBW. It bears out many of the baseball values and ideals that make this such a great site. I am so proud of you, Machmud. I am also extremely proud of my Alma Mater (Oberlin College, 1985) and Coach Abrahamowicz for seeing you, recruiting you, and admitting you. Can't wait to follow your progress this season. You have a PM.

7 Steps...First off congrats!

Next - thanks for sharing. 2013 followed has had to confront similiar barriers, although not nearly close to your adversity.

He has always wanted to prove people wrong.

"Your too short to play first base" motivated him to win the position and start every game at 1st.

"Your too slow for OF" motivated him to win the CF spot and prove those nay sayers wrong.

and so on...

After years of getting motivation by proving all these people wrong, he is now starting to lose his drive and give in to the nay sayers...College is different than HS, Travel Ball, Selet Ball, etc.

I'm sending this to him to hopefully spark that fire once again to show others never give up if you believe in it.

I am very pleased for you. Through your adversity, you have acquired tools that will make you a success in life. Congratulations on coming out on top. I admire your attitude and approach very much. You clearly have the last laugh without having to mock or torment anyone. Way to let you brains and play show others their mistakes rather then your words!

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