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I assume you want him on ibuprofen for the anti-inflamatory affects. No need for pills because of 2 things. (1) You want the inflamation to occure because its healing the injury if there is one. Inflammation in increases blood supply and nutrients to the area. (2)The Anti-inflammatory effect of ibuprofen doesnt take affect until after taking max dosage for 2-4 days. The pain relieving effect works right away. Is it bad for him to take ibuprofen? Probably not... ibuprofen effects the kidneys. Tylenol effects the liver.

Using TENS is just for pain relief. So is he has pain he shouldnt be pitching, but if he must pitch it may help the pain.

My main thing is the keep the arm warm between innings with a leg warmer for my arm.
Last edited by LAball
Sounds to me like maybe your son has some tightness somewhere in his arm you are trying to control during a game. My feeling is that should be taken care of between outings. If he feels good before he goes in, ok. If its tight before he is supposed to go in, maybe he shouldn't go in. My problem with what you are asking about is that doing those things may mask a problem and if he continues throwing, it could get worse.

I believe a tens unit, if set correctly, does more than just alleviate pain. I believe it also assists in helping relax tight muscles. However, as I said earlier, this should be done prior to pitching, not during.

The reason we use the the TENS unit between innings is to keep the are loose, and this is done with colder weather. Ibuprofen is done to keep blood flowing (not sure if this works?). Bands are done between innings also to keep are loose (it also helps with breaking pitches for some reason). I read about UCLA pitching staff using TENS unit between innings, so we thought we would try it.
So let me ask this question: Do you have a medical license? Who signed off on the TENS unit?

2. Ibuprofen "just because" is a bad idea. It's a dumb idea. And I really wish baseball people (in general) would move on from thinking that taking Ibuprofen before a game is a good idea.

3. I don't see the need to use the bands to "stay loose" unless it becomes a long inning. I could see using them instead of going to play some catch while you wait out a particularly long inning. Otherwise, let the arm rest in between innings!
Originally posted by jmpbama92:
Also, is it bad to put your son on a ibuprofen regimen on game days.

Take note the the jury is out regarding the cost/benefits of taking NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflamtory drugs like ibuprofen, Aleve, etc.) before strenuous exercise (that is, prophylatically):

"...runners who’d popped over-the-counter ibuprofen pills before and during the race displayed significantly more inflammation and other markers of high immune system response afterward than the runners who hadn’t taken anti-inflammatories. The ibuprofen users also showed signs of mild kidney impairment and, both before and after the race, of low-level endotoxemia, a condition in which bacteria leak from the colon into the bloodstream....

“...there is no indication or rationale for the current prophylactic use of NSAIDs by athletes, and such ritual use represents misuse.

"When, then, are ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory painkillers justified? “When you have inflammation and pain from an acute injury,” Warden says. “In that situation, NSAIDs are very effective.”

But to take them “before every workout or match is a mistake.”
Last edited by slotty
If he feels good before he goes in, ok. If its tight before he is supposed to go in, maybe he shouldn't go in.

Agreed, the last thing,IMO, we should be doing is masking pain so a HS player can pitch. If he isn't right then take the day off. And if your talking about ibeprophen to help with potential problems I would rather know the results after pitching. If my Son has pain or unusual swelling or tightness maybe there is something in his mechanics that needs to be adjusted. Without the actual Data you could be causing more permanent damage

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