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Coach Corral, I think you have a tremendous approach and enjoyed watching your videos. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment about the decrease in the deceleration phase after extension. I had a young man in 2002 that was a LHP and had him throwing at 88-90 when he left. I had a call from him that following spring and said that his velocity had dropped off significantly and asked if I would come and watch him pitch at the Juco he had signed with. I thought that he was over reaching and was not utilizing his lower body as well as he had been in the past and as a result I felt his ensuing arm problems were a directly attributed to that.

I, for one, hope that you continue to add to this site. Also, I wish you continued success in your fairly recent position as associate head coach/pitching coach.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
Fred, I'm all for a no limits mindset but we do have hs coaches who are throwing guys on Monday for 80 some pitches and then bringing them back on Thursday and wanting 7 innings out of them...

This isn't the majority but it does exist.[/quote/]

Agreed. I placed the term "Common Sense" to the title of these clips because I truly feel everyone can understand this. The big thing is that all of it truly needs the latter part "sense". Sense by the coach, but more importantly the athlete.
The coach must develop more options on his team to pitch. Pitching and getting people out is an everybody who can find the plate thing. Not all can overpower and pitch in and out, but everyone that can find the plate can get outs by pitching the front and back of the plate.
10 year old hitters can determine in and out, up and down, with almost 100% accuracy.(Perry Husbands) they haven't found an age in which hitters can see speed and do something about with anything close to a high percentage. I say this, simply because all coaches have a responsibilty not to baby or pamper their studs but to develop all for success. If you develop more the right way you can win and in the same manner take all the pressure of your stud feeling he needs to do it all. (Some kids want the ball for 80 on mon and then the start on Thursday.)
Last edited by Fred Corral
great to see coach corral on here. i've seen him at several clinics, he spoke at both national clinics this year, have his dvds, and everytime ive emailed him with a question hes emailed me back. cant say that for all d1 pitching coaches. dont know what your problem is bulldog 19, we get one of the most respected, in the trenches, pitching coaches in the country on here willing to share and you complain. thanks coach for all you do to help and share with us high school coaches.

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