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I sent my last off to college. It was a very difficult time for us but we were very excited for him. The first semester kind of went pretty slow, but then season began and before you knew it, over. First summer over, second fall goes by quicker, second season faster than the last. Summer at the cape, done and over in a flash, junior fall, seemed like it was over in a week, last season over and done quicker than the previous ones. Three years ago this week seems like it was yesterday.

Now I have no one to send off to college. Frown Both my kids are legally responsible for themselves and both on payrolls. The have grown up too quickly.

Each year I remind parents to enjoy, whether it be your son's first HS year, last HS year, first college year or last, it goes by too quickly.

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Mercy, TPM...I feel you!!! Mine just left for CCU and I thought the second year would be easier. It's not. No less worries, just different ones. As I watched him disappear down the driveway, I was struck witht he same feeling as when he walked into that first kindergarten class. I have been blessed to be able to enjoy my time with him always, but I had no idea 19 years ago when I was told, "They grow up fast", just how fast that would be!!!!

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