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i am 6-7 months post-op from labrum surgery and i decided to give the j-bands and long toss program a try. i did the j-bands workout the night i got them and then the next day i also did them before i did the long toss program. i pushed it to about 40-50 more feet than my last previous phase of my rehab throwing today my shoulder is very very sore and having trouble reaching across my chest with it...anyone else have experience with this program and if they were sore the day after and if the program works, etc?
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I hope you will receive the comments above in the helpful manner in which they were intended, from members concerned for your health and recovery. It definitely seems like you would want to get advice from your doctor or his physical therapy department about any of the exercise or throwing programs you want to do in the first year post-surgery. Best wishes to you, and let us know how you do!
Last edited by MN-Mom
My son went to a 3 day program there in socal.
I have never seen arms like I saw there.Many pros including Barry Zito have gone there. It is not for pitching but for throwing.It's yoga like stretching is extensive and calls for 2 people, much to extensive for pregame.But as far as I know Alan Yeager is well respected and an author of throwing books.I agree see a doctor you may have overdone it.
I'm also wondering what the Dr., and the PT said about this. I just talked to a college boy 2 weeks ago who said he wasn't allowed to throw for 14 months after surgery. This talk also prompted me to get my son's sore shoulder checked out. Luckily no tear(he has GIRD), but he's not allowed to touch a baseball for 30 days, and must start 4 weeks of PT. Consult with your doctor, PLEASE!
Last edited by SoutherNo1

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