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Can someone please tell me the ideal throwing motion with a throwdown to 2nd base. I've been looking at videos and it looks like a little snap throw.

Also, when you pop upo to throw to 2nd, how far do you reaer back (are supposed to)? Is it your elbow that goes back and your hand behind your ear, or everything back?

If someone has pics or videos to explain, please post them.

Thank you.
Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is just a hole in Arizona. -George F. Will
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actually that isnt me in the picture that is texas' catcher, anyway when you go back to throw your elbow sort of naturally has to lead but not to far ahead. just watch a major league catcher on tv tonight and you will see. once you watch most of them you will be able to see what i am saying. but the main thing when you throw is that you should just throw the ball, whatever feels comfortable and doesnt hurt, that is the main thing, that it doesnt hurt. just fire it man.
Catch...I was always taught and teach...ball hand on a straight line from the glove to a point behind my ear...that does two things...keeps the elbow on a level with your shoulder and closes the shoulders to second base--thus coil....from that point is let it note---my old coach used to always say..."where your nose points is where the ball is goin"...if your looking left you throw left...looking high you throw high...teaching a young catcher to look at the bag and not the SS and 2nd baseman will improve his numbers in a heartbeat.
Yea, thats a good point with the "where your nose points, thats where ball is going". Had a game on Sunday, and runner trying to take 3rd, well, lefty hitter, 3rd baseman was way off and when I turned to 3rd, he was running toward base, and i looked at him, not the bag, and the ball sailed wide left of the bag. Luckily, runner didn't advance, but lesson learned.

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