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We had a situation tonight that had absolutely no bearing on the outcome of the game except for taking an AB away from another player. I would like to know the procedure for calling a batter out for throwing a bat.

This was a 9-10 year old cal ripken league.

There was a runner on first,1 out and the player at the plate had already been warned not to throw the bat.She hit the ball and threw the bat again.The umpire immediately called her out but the ball was hit to short and he threw it to 2nd and a force out was called.

We said there is no force because the runner had already been called out so a tag had to be made BUT we also said that they should have called a dead ball,batter out and runner return to first.

IMO,they blew it all the way around.Except for calling the batter out,she definately threw the bat.

Opinions please.
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I'm talking baseball here so if I'm wrong about this -- go easy on me. There is no out to be called for throwing the bat. The coach and the player should be warned if a player carelessly throws the bat. If it occurs again the player is ejected but nowhere in the rule book does it say the batter is out. After playing action has stopped, put in a sub for that player. So in your situation the force stands but the player is either warned or removed with a sub taking her place.
Originally posted by JMoff:
In a 9-10 year old league, does everyone bat? If so, does an ejection become an out since no subs are available?

Only way I can see an out being called is if player is ejected and nobody to substitute. Then every time that batting position comes up, an out is recorded.

Yes,everyone bats and I am not sure about the ejection rule.This came at the end of the game and as soon as the 3rd out was called,the game was over on time.

Hopefully she learned a lesson and it won't happen again.
As stated the player should never have been called out in baseball or softball. It is a warn and eject. In the OP the play should go to completion then the player is ejected. How that is handled in a CPO is a league decision but probably the next batter takes the runner's place or the previous out. Now it sounds like the game was over anyway because of the force at second so in the OP it is moot. The difference is if the call had been made correctly the batter would be out the next game.

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