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As of late I have been getting some more mph's on my fastball but now I don't throw my change as much. I love to throw my fastball because I like to blow it by guys. I don't know if I should keep doing what I'm doing or try to throw every pitch but I don't want guys hitting my other pitches when I know they cant touch my fastball most of the time.
---------------------------- "I hate all hitters. I start a game mad and end it mad."
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Since no one else has jumped in here and we're both Minnesotans (yah, you betcha!), I will offer my opinion. I know you are heading to DI U of Minn this Fall. My understanding of pitching at that level is, unless you are "blowing it by" the batters at 95+ mph, a fastball alone would be pretty hittable. So my advice would be to continue to work on your fastball, but do not neglect working on your changeup. I have watched mostly D3 baseball, but have read a number of very credible "first-hand reports" from the DI level that say against good college hitters, you need a good hard fastball to set everything else up, but you also must be able to change speeds. Other advice from very credible sources says don't "throw every pitch" as you asked about, but three effective pitches would be better than two - keep the batters guessing and off balance, upset their timing.

Okay, now that I've bumped this to the top again, maybe the experts will speak up! Smile
Last edited by MN-Mom
Congratulations on your accomplishment! Yes, improving your velocity is an accomplishment that most pitchers would love to have. I'm no expert but I beleive MN-Mom hit it on the nose. I don't see an immediate problem if you rely primarily on your fast ball IF you continually blow it by batters AND as long as you maintain great command of your changeup. But I see an immediate opportunity for you to improve your pitching skills and I think you should take advantage of it. Things are about to change when you go to the next level and you will have to change too. The FB and the CU compliment each other. An effective change up makes the fast ball appear to have more velocity therefore making it more effective. The more velocity a FB has the less time a batter has to adjust to the offspeed changeup. There is a difference in pitching and throwing. When a pitcher becomes predictable...he becomes hittable. Mix it up.

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