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In NH? Mighty cold up there...

Scouts must reeaallly be careful in this "gray" area.

Would not want to jeapordize the career of a fine young pitching prospect....If a scout goes to an early workout of HS, lets say today for example, that scout better let the prospect know that the stalker is in the car and take pressure off prospect showcasing unconditioned arm not ready for stalker. Thats just Shep's philosophy, some others may be different and have exclaimed statements like> Shep, that was the only time I would get a chance to measure velocity or Shep its warmer there, he will be okay.

I contend to take "no" chances with throwing at maximum velocity too soon or early in pre-season for all you prospects out there who may read this.

Shep Cares ole
If I am reading your question correctly... I think you mean the difference in rules between high school kids and college kids throwing for a scout? If so, then yes there are limitations to it. If your son is a high school player he can (TECHNICALLY) throw for a scout (pretty much) any time prior to the draft. If he is a college player the scout is not supposed to work out the player (i.e - bullpens, etc) unless the players season is over. I could give you the l o n g technical answer (according to MLB rules) but I will spare you that unless you really are worried about it.

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