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We thought for sure the runner on second was going to steal so our pitcher stepped toward third and threw the ball. We were wrong, he didn't attempt to steal. It was called balk. Is there a difference in ruling when runner does run and when runner doesn't run. This was little league but I am going to be coaching high school ball in Louisiana next year and woould like to know the ruling in different leagues.
I would also like to know, what rules are used for HS ball.
Third question, what is FED, OBR?
Thanks! I am excited about my upcoming opportunity!
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My experience is that the "throwing to an unoccupied base" can be in the eye of the beholder.

I've seen some umps call it and another not. Once I asked one about it and his response was how is he to know if the runner wasn't just selling his fake by running half way and returning to his original base.

My advice is have your pitcher step off first, then he can run after the base runner, if needed, and if he(the runner) stops midway, the pitcher can force him into a decision.

Congrates on the opportunity.

OBR – Official Baseball Rules (Major Leagues)
Fed - FED is shorthand for the rules published by the National Federation of High School Associations.
Last edited by obrady
Dash answered for Fed. In LL the runner must make a "real" attempt to to steal not just fake a steal. To me it is anything more than a normal secondary. Many use the halfway standard. Whatever the umpire feels constitutes an attempt allows the pitcher to throw ahead of him. If you guessing you can do a couple of things. You do what you did and risk a balk call. I try not to do this unless I am fairly sure he is moving. Two, you can roll over and feint or throw to second. The feint allows you to then run at the runner or throw to third anfter the feint. The third is the same as the previous except you do the throw or feint right at SS. As long as the SS is closer to second then third you are OK.
All this works in HS also but the standard for the nonbalk is lower.
I am going to be coaching high school ball in Louisiana next year and woould like to know the ruling in different leagues.
I would also like to know, what rules are used for HS ball.
Third question, what is FED, OBR?
Thanks! I am excited about my upcoming opportunity!

Congratulations on your new position!.......As has been posted almost every state uses the NFHS rule set for High School Baseball..... NFHS Rules (FED for short) include a large number of differences from OBR (Pro rules, that most youth associations operate under with modifications) so you will need to make sure your AD gets you the rule books.....

Let us know what we can do to help.....again best of luck!

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