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Was that a wind up statue of Tiger Woods reading from a script someone else wrote? He said all the right things with almost no passion. I would have liked to see him speak from the head and heart not a script written by someone else. Then again, as long as he doesn't live in my neighborhood I don't care if he's an ax murderer. To me he's just an excellent golfer.
Last edited by RJM
By the mere fact that this guy commanded no external press, no questions, and an endless mia culpa diatribe illuminates the fact that he is truly narcissistic.

Had he come out days after the incident and said, "you know I really screwed up, but it's MY personal life and nobody's business, end of story, Now I'm gonna go back to playing golf". There would be no story.

What an Azz.
Originally posted by dub-L-play:
Had he come out days after the incident and said, "you know I really screwed up, but it's MY personal life and nobody's business, end of story, Now I'm gonna go back to playing golf". There would be no story.

What an Azz.

That's exactly the way I would've done it if I'm Tiger Woods. It's his own doing that it's a media circus and maybe he does need it to play out this way to stroke his ego. Who knows.

All I know is nobody's watching golf unless Woods plays so even if he told the press to take a hike, the worse that was gonna happen was a couple of holy roller sponsors drop him. Big deal. He's got enough loot for many lifetimes.

What had me cracking up is some reporters analysys on TV were actually saying Tiger should cry because it'll make him come off more genuine and sincere.

Oh the insanity!
Originally posted by TRhit:
The big problem is that he is "GOLF" and without him the sport falters badly---if he is not playing there is no TV audience and that translates into big dollars---it appears he could care less

Who cares if a bunch of rich guys have lost some money? I don't.

I agree with BHD that the speech was self-serving. Did not need the lecture about what is public and what is private - thanks Tiger you should have thought about that beforehand. Using your family to garner sympathy for your misdeeds is the lowest of lows imho.

The media of course is fawning all over this. The speech was abysmally bad imho. The only thing he seems to care about is that people have reported he was beat up by his wife. Boo hoo. Rick Riley of ESPN simply loved the speech. In fact the only criticism he could find was of Britt Hume. Go figure Roll Eyes

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