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All caught up in the return of my son from his first year in college and his first college baseball season, came the news of a cyst that was found on my sons spine....

It seems that my son was aware of the cyst and for the most part not bothered by it, and of course, did not want to take time off college baseball to deal with it.....He did not tell us about it....until it had grown....what started as a pea size......grew to a nickel size and began to exert pressure on the nerves in his back.....

By the time we had it examined and confirmed it had grown to the size of a golfball and had become extremely was scheduled for yesterday.......not life threatening mind you, but as they remind you.... in writing.....and signed in multiple copies....that any time you go under general anesthesia........well things could happen....bad things...

We arrived at the same day surgery center early yesterday, dad and girlfriend in tow......and went through all the preliminary motions.....all went well and smooth until the time when the nurse tells you to say your good byes......

I went to him and hugged him, I kissed his forehead, I told him I loved him and that I would see him on the other side of this.......

His mom held up well, his girlfriend not as well...and we retreated to the waiting room to sweat the hours away.....

The whole reason for this post is to relate what I did in those hours.........and what I hope you will do.........under better circumstances......

I reflected on the short 19 years Ive been blessed to have this boy....I remembered each and every year, the joys of his life, his friends, his accomplishments, his ups and downs..........his shortcomings.......mainly his not telling his coach or trainer or even his parents about this health issue........until it had gotten too painful to deal with alone.....

I prayed.....for him, for me, and for his doctors, nurses and staff

I walked the halls....

I prayed.....mainly for forgiveness for praying only when I need it most........

The doctor came in and notified us that everything had gone well, and no lingering effects should occur........and the recovery period will be weeks and painful......

We got him home last encamped in the living room as he will either be lying on his sides or stomach or standing for the next week......within an hour our house was full of teammates, pizza and movies......

My Prayers were answered....

Now.....strip away all the, baseball, scholarships, playing time, all of it........and what it all comes down to is your child.....

I have my child......and he will recover.......everything else is of little importance today........
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Thank you for reminding me AGAIN about the REAL important things in this life.
strip away all the, baseball, scholarships, playing time, all of it........and what it all comes down to is your child.....

Your post brought tears to my eyes. "WHAT IT ALL COMES DOWN TO IS YOUR CHILD....." It's all so very simple under duress, isn't it? Why is it so difficult to remember, zeroing in on a daily basis on what amounts to trivia?

My prayers and heart go out to you and to your son for a quick and uneventful recovery.

BEST from my little corner of PA...


It is humbling sometimes to see it all put into perspective. Live every moment as though it were your last may sound like a good way to live, but it is downright scary when you realize it really might be your last - even more so when it might be your childs last.

Glad to see he made it through the surgery okay, prayers for a speedy recovery.
We all need to have everything put into perspective now and the. Thank you for doing it again for me. Baseball is a love a passion and what I enjoy so much in life. But we all need to take a step back every once in awhile and be reminded of how lucky we all are to have healthy children. I am praying for your sons fast and full recovery ump. Thank you again.
Ump, thank you very much for sharing your touching story and reminder. My son is the same age as yours and also went through surgery in his neck (different problem though, an abcessed gland), but his was long ago, when he was only 2 yrs old. I had a similar reaction to yours, fearing the possible complications of the anesthesia administered to such a little tike, realizing there was a slim chance he might never wake up. I know I acted the fool but I didn't care - as I handed my precious little boy to the anesthesiologist, I asked if he was the one who would be in charge. Then I asked him fervently to be extra, extra careful because I was handing him the most precious boy in the world. Man, he must have thought I was a crazy lady, but I didn't care a bit! Whether they are two-years-old or six-foot-two ... "what it all comes down to is your child..." . Very best wishes to your son for a speedy recovery.
Last edited by MN-Mom
My most sincere thanks for all your kind words and of course,....your prayers for my son.

Like another post of mine, I know that burdens shared are burdens lifted and I was compelled to write this one as well......

I spent an hour this morning with the visiting nurse learning how to treat and dress this wound, and am happy to report that although painful, his spirits are high and he looks forward to returning to the baseball field this fall.........

No doubt, your prayers are being heard....and with that you have my deepest thanks.......
It is amazing to me all the similarities there are with all of us on this web site. I have gone through a couple of surgeries and illnesses as well with my "off to college in the fall" son.
I try, every morning, to count my blessings and notice things throughout the day to be thankful for. Your post is one of them for today. (Another is today is my 20th wedding anniversary)
Prayers are truly answered, and mine are with you and your family.
A young man on my son's summer team went through a similar procedure on Monday. He, too, went a long time without sharing his condition with anyone and finally spoke up when it had opened and he had an wound down to the bone.

We had a game on Wednesday and as his younger brother joined the team this year, his mom was at the game. All went well with him as well....he called at least twice during the game for updates Smile

I am thankful the prayers for both have been answered, and I'm guessing they are both anxious to get back on the field.

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