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On a high school varsity baseball team there is not an above average player in every position unless the team is just stacked.  So in saying that, most high school varsity teams are on the average side with a few above average players.  The question becomes how many more wins will your team have by keeping that slightly above average player who has an attitude and clearly displays characteristics of being a selfish player and only cares about himself and not the team as well as, is his distraction of constant talks and meetings with the parents worth it to coach a kid and be on the team who quiet honestly probably doesn't listen to you when you coach him because he his dad or private lessons coach coaching him when he is not at practice with you.  Is all that worth having a quality player on the field?


I think I answered my own question. lol

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Originally Posted by Passion4baseball:

 quiet honestly probably doesn't listen to you when you coach him because he his dad or private lessons coach coaching him when he is not at practice with you. 


I am not a HS coach, don't play one on tv, and don't pretend to be one, but I think this is key.  As a coach are you insisting that he does things your way, or have you talked with him to try to understand why he is doing things his way.  I'm talking about things like his pitching mechanics or swing mechanics.  Not how he approaches things that impact the team aspect of the game (ie stealing bases, when to bunt, which cut off to use, etc).  If its his mechanics I think the coach needs to talk to him about why he is doing things his way.  If they can not come to some type of agreement then that should be laid out for the player and he can decide if he wants to play for the coach.  If its in game play type stuff then there really should be no discussion its coaches way or no way.  If the kid is not handling the in game play stuff right then a benching is in order.  If that does not straighten him out then he rides the pine all season and risks not making the team the next year.

Originally Posted by Passion4baseball:

On a high school varsity baseball team there is not an above average player in every position unless the team is just stacked.  So in saying that, most high school varsity teams are on the average side with a few above average players.  The question becomes how many more wins will your team have by keeping that slightly above average player who has an attitude and clearly displays characteristics of being a selfish player and only cares about himself and not the team as well as, is his distraction of constant talks and meetings with the parents worth it to coach a kid and be on the team who quiet honestly probably doesn't listen to you when you coach him because he his dad or private lessons coach coaching him when he is not at practice with you.  Is all that worth having a quality player on the field?


I think I answered my own question. lol

The HS season is too short to worry about all the nonsense.  I'd prefer the average player who will be a team first guy than a malcontent. 

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