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Forgive me,..its the slow season and I'm pretty sure the men may want to throw darts and rolled up newspapers at me for asking this question on the general forum, but I'm curious as to what uniform colors you all feel look the sharpest out on the field, as a team?? Striped pants or solid? Long pants or to the kneee? Do the hats need to be the same color as the jersey?
Black cleats or colored?

If you could set up your sons uniform to be any way you thought looked best,..what would the results be? Think back to tournament and traveling ball days. What teams " looked " good?
You all know we've seen teams that when they took the field, we thought to ourselves, " Hmmm,....I wonder if the coach or team mom was colorblind??? " ha! Eek Big Grin

When we went to State last year there was a team that came in wearing head to toe red/white/ and blue with bat bags that had the American flag on them. They drew attention to themselves immediately as they entered the ball park. This got the stands and teams sitting around buzzing. Perhaps a good intimidation factor? Opinions?

( I'm offering fudge and fruitcake to those who answer! )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Since you asked.

Clothes style - Very baggy - like the kind of uniforms they wore in the old days. Include a tiny billed cap with that one as well. Pant legs pulled way up to just below the kneecap.

Color - Grey - with red socks and a red cap.

Logo - A small monkey on the front of the jersey - and a large monkey on the back. Cap - no monkeys - just plain grey.

Style - Each pair of pants would have a 3 foot long grey tail - furry - attached to the
rear end of the player.

Motto - "We dont monkey around - we just play."

Team refreshments for the dugout - peeled grapes and bananas.

Team Mascot - you guessed - A monkey.

Last edited by itsinthegame

Years ago, here in northern California in U14, there was a JunkYardDog team called Solano Garbage, as they were sponsored by the precursor to Waste Management. On the chest of their uni's was GARBAGE in script (like Oakland Athletics).

You can imagine all the "canned comments" (that's a 'pun on words' isn't it?) like...

These guys are real garbage...
Somethin' stinks in Solano...
Someone needs to take out the garbage...

Have to say though.... they could hit. Some of their Dads may be on here...

(former San Joaquin Stars)


Did you hear the one about the blonde that got really excited.....finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 said "2-4 years!"

Now were talkin some good feedback!!! I was hoping to get some guys,'s, players, coach's input too but wasnt sure if I would or not.

Mascots too can be compared. For example which team sounds more intimidating?

The red/black wolverines vs. the magenta peacocks????

Of course skill is usually the deciding factor as to who wins or looses,..but there is PR value to presentation and attitude, thus my reasoning behind my origional post. There are psychological stats to back up reasons for color choices,..but I was looking for just casual general public opinions from those who have been there.

Knew a winning coach from upper northern California who always marched his HS football team out of the locker room onto the field wearing their hooded black rain parkas, regardless of rain or not. They walked out silently in unison and then on a certain count or whistle blow by the coach, they dropped the parkas & started warm ups. It made for good shock value and rattled the opposing team watching!
Even when backed up by pure talent and prime grade A coaching,... I dont think a little psychological edge advantage would ever hurt!(?)

Good stories guys,....Its: you are da man,..I mean, er uhhhh, da monkey! Big Grin

Fudge for all of the posters above.
Even for catcher09,.....what am I going to do with you????? ( I'm all for dirt,..especially if its winning-streak-dirt!! The stinkier and the more of it, the better!!) Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom
My preference runs toward black spikes. White or gray pants, and our jerseys are navy blue with while and gold trim. What I like the most though, is sweat stained hats that are all dirty and uniforms to match. I'd far prefer to see a player who looks like he just fell off a dumptruck than one all shiny and pretty...and leave the jewelry at home, too.
Picture this. Two summers ago my son’s team was playing in a tournament; Son’s team was warming up on the field, when everyone heard click, scratch, click, scratch (I am not too good at sound effects). The opposing team came walking (they were actually marching) down the sidewalk in unison towards the field; cleats on, holding their very expensive looking black and green jerseys on clothes hangars holding the jerseys about 1 foot in front of them about chest high. Talk about intimidation. As parents we were very intimidated. Apparently our kids were not. Son’s team beat them by 10 wearing their Academy grey pants and faded red t-shirts. Anyway back to the subject, that was the best looking uniforms I had seen. Black pants, black and green pin striped jerseys and hats with a green under shirt.
We did laugh our butts off after the game because as parents, we actually thought our kids would be intimated, boy were we wrong. Oh by the way, the coach kept walking up and down the third base line making nasty comments to us untill one of the dads who is 6'5" stood up and told him to shut it, not in those exact words if you know what I mean. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round.
I will have to go with Tigerpaw mom on this one, perhaps the best looking uniforms in my opinion from head to toe. Clemson's purple tops with piped clemson cut white pants and the orange and white cleats.

I always liked Tulanes uniforms as well, green top with white pants and white shoes.

Oh well just my personal preferences.
As far as mascots go I always found the fighting squirrels to be quite intimidating. Smile

None of the names or uniforms in travel ball were intimidating. Some of the best teams we played wore T-shirts with the team name in block letters. One of those teams was the feeder team for a team that has won multiple HS baseball national championships. We found their hitting and pitching to be quite intimidating. We've also run into teams with rich sponsors and no ability. Great uniforms and they were intimidated not intimidating.

Probably the most important thing about uniforms is matching them up to the weather. Those dark jerseys can be a problem during mid August games.

Looking good on the field comes from crisp throws, hustle, good execution and being ready. Nothing is more intimidating than a team that executes all phases of the game properly.

The nice thing about t-shirts is that when players come and go as they always do in travel ball, the uniform cost isn't a barrier to getting new players.
Last edited by CADad
Oh my gosh. Don't anyone tell GotWood about this post or we'll have a pic-fest!

Nothing get's by the woodman.
Julie you better close this thread now. LOL

Had a team in the NW called the Knuckleheads.
12 to 14 yr old's.
They had some patches of the 3 stooges on there sleeve.
It was a hoot everytime we played this team.
That's what's it's about folk's.

I alway's wanted to find a nice catchy team name.
And I think I might of found it.


And then I could have some patches made up,
Are maybe embroidered on the Jersey.

I could use a picture of Homer Simpson, Homer from Home Depot ( Maybe Academy Dad can help me with that endorsement.) And Homer Of Greek Legend??

What do you Think.
Be Honest.


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