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Just a lil' bit of free advice I guess as some of your sons head off to college...


I just don't think its a good idea to post on your son's fan message boards as a parent of a college or pro athlete.


I've been watching a few message boards lately...a couple college and one pro...and watching parents posting on them in defense of their sons.  It ain't pretty.  Sure, sometimes fans write stupid things.  And they write things that sting.  But its kinda like an umpire arguing with the crowd that his balls/strikes are good calls.  He'll never win and these parents aren't winning either.  And if you think you can do it anonymously...think again!  I've seen a fair number of parents "outed" by the fans on the same board.


I've seen one dad vilified over name!     And I've heard our son's teammates talk about 'so-and-so's' dad posting on another board...and it isn't fun for the poor player/kid. 


Just don't do it...thats my free advice for the day.  Take it or leave it...I guess. 

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