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How slow?  Does he hit and hit with power, how strong is his arm?


Slow is hard to hide.  You can skip running the 60, but he will be timed running to first base.


I do understand your thinking, I think.  Why have something negative on his record?  Possibly that 60 time would cause decision makers to discount him.  So there is some reasoning behind not running the 60 and grading high in the other things.  Sooner or later they will find out, but by then they might fall in love with the player.


There are many reasons why players have not run the 60.  Some are very fast runners, but slightly injured.  Some don't want their time recorded.

Game speed can be different than 60 yard speed.  But if you had to guess who was quickest first to third would you pick the 6.5 or the 8.0 60 runner?


A stride is approximately two tenths of a second.  So game speed or not if both runners take the same path, the 6.5 runner would reach 3B seven or eight full strides ahead of the 8.0 runner.  Now if we are talking about a couple tenths difference, everything including instincts, could make things close.


Gets back to the age old argument about why they run the 60 rather than a shorter distance. I would probably favor a shorter distance. However I've found that the key is how far can someone run in a given time, lets say 7 seconds.  If one player can run 70 yards in 7 seconds and the other player can only run 50 yards in 7 seconds, that is a very big difference.  We actually use to use 4 seconds (sometimes less) when we worked with runners. The start and then in exactly 4 seconds the horn would sound..  This would tell the runner how far he went in 4 seconds.  For some reason this made it easier for runners to improve.  Rather than think about their "time" they simply tried to increase the "distance" they could cover in a given time. With some work on the start and form (technique) they would gain distance and that later lowered their time.

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