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Today is the 25th day that I have gone without using smokeless tobacco. I made the commitment to quit after using the stuff for about 10 years. My children kept bugging me about quiting and I really enjoyed it but decided they were much more important than being addicted to the darn stuff.

I quit cold turkey and if I can do it you can too. If you are using it, I challenge you to quit today. I used 2-3 cans a week.

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Way to go! One day at a time.

One positive from quitting that will be readily noticeable.... you won't have to polish your shoes so often! Big Grin

Now you have blown my image of you sitting in a rocking chair on front porch of a mountain-side cabin with spittoon on one side and jug of white lightning on the other. Razz


p.s. Danny should get his letter any day now.
Last edited by OnePlayer'sPop
Doctors asked my Mom to stop or ... Well, she didn't. Around the fourth or fifth time we got "the call." My Dad stopped. He did it for my Mom. Well, she finally stopped. TOO LATE! Presently, she is wheel chair bound and has Emphysema. I suppose all of you can guess the rest of the story. Congratulations on stopping. Your kids will not know to thank you in the future for what they are spared. I THANK YOU!
Voicovr - I said the same thing to my dad when I was 10. He quit right there and then. I wish I could say it that he never picked up another one again but he started again when I was around 30. It ultimately killed him.
My mom quit when my son was born and started again about 10 years later. To this day she still smokes. My kids and I beg her and my step father to stop.
KUDOS to you Cvsting.... You will be a healthier and much happier person. Keep up the GREAT work.

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