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Hello everybody if you have any experience or knowledge on this topic I would appreciate it. I will try to explain a lot on this post so it will probably end up being fairly long. I am a 2013 catcher and I go to a 3A highschool where the baseball situation leaves much to be questioned saying the least. My current summer and fall team is a travel team out of East Cobb. My list of injuries is fairly long compared to most players I know. When I was thirteen I separated the growth plate in my throwing elbow, and was out about a season. Last year as a junior I had two iliac crest fractures (the bones that u see on a skinny waist) from the muscle pulling on the growth plate. This took out most of my junior season. During summer the same year, my arm was very weak and in pain. I had a ct and X-ray done on my elbow and examined by an orthopedic. I was told I had a bone spur and my choices were either cortisone or surgery. The doctor told me that removing the spur would damage my UCL and likely lead to more problems. I chose cortisone and continued throwing. A lot of people probably think that was my biggest mistake, but after continued pain I went for a second opinion which I now know the mistake was to not get a second opinion right away. After research my father found the Dr. Andrews institute in Birmingham. I was appointed to Dr Emblom which immediately found the problem after looking at the same tests as the first orthopedic. There was no bone spur and the UCL was torn, along with the ulnar nerve being iritated. My Tommy John's was October 24 and I'm almost to the throwing phase. Since the surgery I have completed all my highschool work and graduated early, giving more time for rehab and building up my strength. Also my grades are fairly good, my core GPA being close to 3.6 and my SAT being an 1800. My grades have gotten interest in a couple schools in the form of scholarship offers, but as far as sports related interest the most I have gotten is a couple of invites. As far as the physical side I'm 6' 180lbs catcher I switch hit and when I was healthy I was consistently throwing 1.9's to second.

I'm wondering if you guys have had experience with this;
Will I be ready to compete after the 8-9 months?
How long does it take to get your arm back, or even better like a lot of people say?
What if I don't get noticed this year?
Also I would like to know about starting college a year late and the rules on transferring. Any information will be useful. I don't feel like baseball has given up on me so I'm not even close to ready to give up on it.
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We have a member here that went through TJ surgery, his name is JH. He has posted numerous times on this subject plus he has blog detailing his recovery journey

i suggest you use the search function on the top of this site and search for "Tommy John" and search for posts from JH. Josh is wonderful writer andi am sure you will get a lot of your questions answered just by reading his old posts and his blog.



good luck and it is great to hear that you have not given up on baseball!

Thanks for the reply dad43 ill look into the blog. I got a little long with the post so I didn't want to ask too much but one of my main concerns is what the best route is in terms of college. Would it be smart to attend a small school such as a juco then try to transfer up or I've had kids on my team hold out a year and then get into a four year school. I'm not really sure how all the transfer rules work and what would hurt me or not but if anyone has any info or experience on this I would appreciate it. Thanks

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