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For anyone out there who is having arm problems and is planning on seeing a doctor make sure you go to a sports specialist not just an ordinary doctor. Last June I threw the ball from SS to first base and my whole arm went numb and I thought I heard something pop. So I went to the doctor the next day and they took an MRI and he said that there was no really serious injury to my elbow but I shouldn't do anything for the next couple of months. So I missed the whole summer and I threw again in September and it felt really good. Unfortunately the next morning my elbow was black and blue and extremely swollen and I knew something was definitely wrong. I went back to that same doctor and got the MRI that they and taken in June and took it to Art Reddig(Indianapolis Colts). As soon as he looked at he told me that I had a fairly serios tear to a ligament in my elbow and would require surgey. So the injury happened in June but I didn't have the surgey until November just because I went to the wrong doctor, and since I had the surgery so late I am not able to play baseball this year either, just DH. So if you have arm problems seriously consider going straight to a sports specialist so the same thing doesn't happen to you.
"If you want things easy go run track." -Coach S
Original Post
an excellent piece of advice on immediately seeing a qualified sports specialist at the first inclination of arm problems,one who is dealing with and has been treating arm and shoulder injuries and has had very successful operating experiences, Never take anything or anyone for granted.
The main problem for the enormous number of arm problems and surgeries,first of all is the lack of "knowledgeable""QUALIFIED""PITCHING""TEACHERS"from little leagues up through and into college and on into pro-ball, including on the major league level also, REMEMBER, I said,"EXPERIENCED" "KNOWLEDGEABLE""QUALIFIED""PITCHING""TEACHERS"any one can coach but it takes one who has, and does study and learn from the best"TEACHERS" available to them, one who, becomes an excellent"KNOWLEDGEABLE""teaching""STUDENT"of the game of baseball pitching,One who can teach a pitcher how to use the whole body starting from the ground up through the hips, on into the upper torso on into the arm and on out through the finger tips instead of just throwing the ball up there with the arm only to deliver thrown balls to their intended target from a pitching mound, in my opinion there are way too many unnecessary sore arms, elbows, and arm surgeries, I say to those of you out there who are pitching or are going to pitch find youe self a qualified,experienced, knowledgeable pitching teacher, definitely not just someone who has pitched some baseball be very particular, never short change yourself.pitching is an energetic, explosive,forward momentum movement, it takes a knowledgeable pitching teacher to show one how to throw the baseball in such a way that virtually alleviates the
possibility of serious unnecessary shoulder,and elbow etc. injuries and surgeries.
The average High School or College coach is not a teacher of the game unless they have studied how to teach baseball and are devout students of baseball which I certainly have not noticed and I observe many different age group games.

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