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Thanks to all who post here, as I have been lurking and learning. My son would love to continue playing baseball in college. His hs and summer league coaches have encouraged him to look at DIII schools. He has a B+unweighted avg and 1200 on sat's. He is a solid, but not spectacular player(never sat, batted 4th, plays all infield positions). He wants to stay in NE or midatlantic. Is it too late to start contacting coaches? A less competitive (baseball) with decent academics might fit the bill. Is this even a possibility? He just registered on NCAA. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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limom (Long Island, I presume?). Be careful who invites you to call on this board. There are some that would love for you to call so they can make a buck off of you with their recruiting programs, consultations, etc. With your son's numbers there are plenty of great DIII schools within 200 miles of your home that would love to talk about his playing next year. I'll be happy to give you a list of some schools that would appear to be good fits. Let me know.
As you all can probably tell, we have no idea what we are doing. I appreciate all of the feedback, and we are doing some more research on our own. TR, I have checked out your website, and will probably be in touch to find out more. (My son was recently at a tournament in Manchester!) You certainly have a number of fans. I am waiting for his hs coach to call me back so I can get his opinion on my son's true abilities. I certainly don't want to get his hopes up, nor do I want to make a fool of myself!
limom, just to add a couple more options...I do not know the level of play of your son, however, there are some excellent NAIA baseball programs in PA and some excellent schools with solid baseball programs. There is also some money in these programs. Depending on your situation NAIA may have more money to offer than DIII. TR would be a great source to list these programs. Also, just getting out there on the phone, writing letters, email get a quick response. Western PA has a good number of great small schools to contact.
It may come as a surprise to you but there are some people in the business of giving advice who do not get paid every time they offer
When a friend calls and asks what do you think I should do with my Mom or I am proficient in Geriatrics or...
The Dentist I sat next to at a game a few weeks ago when I asked what was the best toothpaste available or.....
The lawyer at a game that I asked a legal question of or.....
The BB guy who offers assistance to those in need of guidance....
TR and I had a lenghty conversation 2 years ago that ranged from BB to our parents to growing up etc...this was when my son was going through the recruitment process...and unless the bill is coming via pony express it has not arrived yet..
How can someone who lives in AZ have a grasp on what is taking place with the Northeast schools....are you out there talking to coaches...are you attending seminars where you rub elbows with the local unless you are doing this you are out of the loop telling someone from the Northeast what gives is like trying to tell someone who lives here what it feels like to lift a shovel full have no idea what you are talking about...
My guess is you like to take any opportunity you can to disparage or demean TR's won't fly with those of us who have met or talked with the man(of which I have done both)....find something else to occupy your time
Buddybaseball, OK now I am going to add my voice to those who are really tired of your tirades. I invited limom to come over here and post, from another message board I frequent (hi limom) because she is sincerely trying to find out the possibilities for her son to play baseball in college. She has been lovely, and frank in her relative lack of knowledge at this stage. As far as I can tell, you have not said ONE THING to be helpful to her and I am frankly embarrassed that I asked her to come.

I for one wish you would either (a) try to be helpful and responsive or (b) get the **** off this board. Bob???
Maybe Buddy is NOT from Arizona........
Good point, I am wondering if Buddy will let us know what he does. I can't stand it when we get fed these little bits of info so we have to use our brains and "guess" why someone is an expert. One thing about TR I give him credit for, he let's us know what he does for a living. Don't be embarrassed because someone is making a fool of themselves, you did the right thing by asking limom to come here.
You are a coach (?), of what, where,LL, HS, college? Either way, you appear to have posted lots of helpful info in the past on schools, try keeping it that way.
Last edited by TPM
Yes Ripkenfan and Tiger Paw Mom I will be happy to provide the poster with the names of schools and coaches...and I won't charge to participae in a showcase - a showcase that the coaches from these programs would not attend in the first place. The problem with many of these commercial showcases is that one or two players get bites - then everyone and his brother feels they need to pay to get the exposure. Many DIII coaches do not even attend showcases due to lack of funds. The majority of placements at these schools come from a high school coach reference, a player who played with the prospect and a skills tape. To claim that a player "signed" to play at Mary Washington, Kenyon, JHU, etc. is grossly misleading. At the DIII level there is no signing - everyone is a walk-on. I've preached this before, but TRhit cannot handle the truth and he goes on the attack. And yes, I'll respond in kind which I have. BTW, Tiger Paw Mom - please read my previous posts as I have made it clear about my background and experience.
Okay, I'm sorry if I flew off the handle (sorry, bad temper) buddy, but I don't see why you can't just name some schools that might fit right here on the board, since you're not selling your services. Then you can always offer more details in the private message.

Lots of people read these sites for information and giving out some names of good fit colleges will help more than just the one person asking the question.

I would offer to help but I am in California and not knowledgeable about northeastern schools except for a couple.

Maybe too, you could put your qualifications in your profile where people could check them. That really helps people.

My son will be a college freshman this year but this time last year I was certainly searching these sites a lot, looking for information on schools and there was none of this arguing back and forth. Couldn't you two just figure out a way to settle this offline? Please?
Once again we disagree, Buddy. My son went to a couple of local showcases when he heard (too late, the summer after his junior year of high school, after most of national showcases had taken place) that showcases were helpful tools in recruiting. Neither his summer or high school coach did much in the way of getting his name out. The result? Lots of letters, the majority from DIII coaches, phone calls--including calls from DIII coaches, invitations to camps (mostly not DIII) etc.(moneymakers, but perhaps worthwhile if interested in school). If he had not showcased, he would have had next to nothing. He doesn't know players at other schools, didn't send out videotapes etc, and only contacted a few schools on his own. Basically, the vast majority of his recruiting was the result of just 2 local showcases. Some of the DIII coaches had not actually seen him at showcase, but respected the recommendation of showcase business/organization (an example of the importance of having someone whose opinion is respected see player perform. Had he done even more, who knows what his opportunities might have been?
Ilanon, by your own admission you state that your son did not send out tapes and only contacted a few schools. One has to be proactive in this process. I am not against commercial showcases, but for the most part the main benefactor is the organizer. You have to target your market and oftentimes the types of schools that attend a showcase may be ones that would not match one's athletic or academic skills or geographic preferences. Bordeaux - you asked me to name some schools...I'll be happy to. Each of the coaches at the respective schools below would be more than happy to receive a personal letter and profile from a prospective student athlete. I am sure if a student athlete fits their needs you will hear from them with a request for references and/or a skills tape.

Gettysburg, Widener, Ursinus, Mary Washington, RIT, Colby, Bowdoin, Bates, Oberlin (OH), Kenyon (OH). There are many others. PM me for more details.
So, once again, I will vehemently have to disagree with the info you have sons HS coach did zip in helping any of his players get to the next level...this is a large(1350) all boys Division 1 parochial school in Boston...known for its strong college prep program as well as its high level of competitive has been there for 25years...has had several players from the program drafted out of HS but refuses to assist beyond filling out the if your name is not appearing weekly in the Boston Globe or Herald then in order to be "seen" you MUST attend a showcase and after listening to parents who had "walked the walk" this we set out to do...frequently and often....
He attended PG in Wareham and many smaller local for the D3's we heard from up close and personal as a result of his attending showcases were: Babson, Tufts, Suffolk, Wentworth, Clark, Rhode Island, Worcester State, Roger Williams, Curry, Rivier...these are the ones we had direct communication from...then there are those who sent letters or called that we opted not to persue and 2 of them are on your list ie: Gettysburg and Mary Washington...2 schools we had contact with were a direct result of being seen by a scout from the Chcago White Sox and being recommended to: Rutgers Newark and Rutgers Camden....we sent not 1 tape to any school...I will not list the D2's or D1's as that list is extensive and does not fit the topic at hand...suffice to say though, had my son not attended showcases he WOULD NOT be where he is now...there is one point though on which we do agree and that is that every player at a D3 must earn his position once school is not a given that they are automatically guaranteed a position...there are those that the coach KNOWS he wants in his lineup and has had extensive conversations with...but nothing is written in stone
I am not against commercial showcases, but for the most part the main benefactor is the organizer

I, like catchermom03 have to disagree with you. Your “tempered” remark about “commercial” showcases is not a fair description. Players need to be seen and the showcase format is by far the best setting. I’ll be the first to admit there are people that benefit from the ignorance of some players and their families. Some even bilk them out of their money under the guise of promoting them but placing the showcase and the showcase promoter/organizer in that category is unfair. Making a broad statement of that nature is doing a disservice to the young player trying to find a path to the next level. The showcase is the most important aspect of promoting a player. No question the main benefactor of the showcase is the young player that needs to be seen!

This is not about me, but about all showcase organizers as "bb" has begun to defame us all with his generalizations. I did not want to have to go this route but he has forced the issue

Are you aware:

01-- that a showcase, not just ours but all of them, put players in front of more college coaches in one setting than any other venue. (More bang for the buck for the coaches)
And yes we have a lot of Division II and III programs in attendance as do other showcase events. They do attend showcases

02-- that showcase organizers are here to give college coaches info on players even if the college coachw as not in attendance. WE all get calls regarding players.

03-- I cannot speak for other showcases but we, COLLEGE SELECT, are there to help the kids thru their recruiting process for no extra charge-- it is all in the showcase tuition fee and anyone can phone us "toll free" get a real person to talk to and discuss their situation.

04-- We, as well as other showcase people, are here on this site to help and give advice to others. Yes it may result in players attending our events, but that is not the reason we are here-- we are here to HELP THE PLAYER AND HIS FAMILY--

05-- If a Division III Coach has seen a player at a showcase or Showcase tournament event and likes the player then the player has one leg up on the others when the fall "tryouts" take place.

FINALLY-- I am tired of debating with " A fool on as Arizona Hill", if he is really in Arizona--can the IP be checked? -- I have said my piece --I am tired of the Arizone Fools degrading and condescending attitude, not just to me but to all-- BUT I AM NOT GOING AWAY-- From here on the ignore button is on regarding Buddy Boy--- he no longer worth the effort and this post had to be made to attain closure.

He won't phone as I requested so we can try and resolve his problem one on one.
Another post in response to Buddy's comments to me: Yes, being proactive is important, but random letters and videotapes are always less effective than someone (especially if high school coach is not cooperative)--and a respected showcase operation is the perfect example-- who can verify what is written in letter or seen on a videotape. It is even better if a coach is looking for a specific position and inquires of showcase director/ and or attends showcase and likes what he sees. No kid can target all relevant schools on his own and even if he could, for a small fee he could save himself a lot of trouble. The two local showcases my son attended were very inexpensive (each under $100.). Finally, after the showcases and the exposure, he felt he was getting more than enough choices and no longer felt the need to continue his own letter writing campaign/showcasing. He got the results he had hoped for.
I, for one, hope that Buddy remains an active participant in these forums. I don't agree with everything he says, but I recognize that he has some valuable insight and experience in the college baseball recruiting process. TR also brings value & experience to these conversations, but from a different perspective.

It is a bit disingenuous for TR to take such strong offense to Buddy's challenges. Am I the only one who remembers some of the strongly worded posts & responses from TR towards ghouse?

Anyone that participates in web forums such as these and shares their strong opinions publicly is subject to passionate debate from those with differing opinions.

limom, I would contact both of these men. They have offered their assistance, and I'm certain that both have valuable contacts that you can leverage in helping your son.
I think that both the letters/videotapes, and the showcases, were important in my son's recruiting. I believe that a showcase was what got him on the radar of one D1 that offered him a scholarship; the hs coach was the source of another one; showcases again accounted for the interest for an Ivy and about 5 or 6 D3s, a couple of which he decided to pursue. So yes, our experience backs up the importance of showcases and showcase camps. Those that seemed particularly helpful were the Arizona Fall Classic (tips hat to Arizona), PG in Jupiter, Stanford Camp, and Headfirst Baseball in Florida. Heck now that I think of it, those were about the only ones he went to, so....
Thanks, Bordeaux and dbg fan. This whole debate started because I criticized TRhit for promoting his service on this site. I do not think it was appropriate. He then took offense at my comments regarding DIII programs and the rest is history. I am not opposed to showcases. What I am opposed to are promoters who make them out to be the panacea in the recruiting game. Showcases can be hit and miss just like letters and questionnaires. In my experience, I have seen more players receive feedback from a campaign of personal letters and calls then expensive showcases. The showcase is but one ingredient that completes this process. I've been to showcases that cost the participants $400 plus dollars and the schools attending are ones that half the players wouldn't even consider. This is my point. The Arizona Fall Classic in Peoria in October is a great venue as is the Stanford camp in July. I have received several PM's in support of my comments and I appreciate all of you taking the time.
Originally posted by BuddyBaseball:
limom (Long Island, I presume?). Be careful who invites you to call on this board. There are some that would love for you to call so they can make a buck off of you with their recruiting programs, consultations, etc. With your son's numbers there are plenty of great DIII schools within 200 miles of your home that would love to talk about his playing next year. I'll be happy to give you a list of some schools that would appear to be good fits. Let me know.

Sorry Buddy,
This is NOT how you answer someone looking for help. You are entitled to your opinions, however, sometimes critizing a specific webster is not going to make YOU look credible in the end. And this is not the only thread that you did it in, you actually were extending your feelings from another thread.
I think most parents who have been "lurking" are aware that one can spend needless amounts of money on showcases and it is their responsibility to check out anyone they wish to receive help from or do business with. If they have questions, we all are happy to advise the best we can without all of this nonsense.
If you have a problem, use a private message or get in touch with Bob.
You are correct about showcases, they should not be used as a single ingredient for being noticed. Letters, emails, videos, coaches recommendations, camps, showcases, tournaments, travel ball. One needs to make a PLAN in advance and study the plan and act on it. Hopefully parents will read this thread and realize, one can not sit back and just wait for things to happen. Even the BEST players in the country will go unnoticed if they do not do something to get attention.
I am not familiar with Div 2,3 recruiting. I know what workd for D1, parents need lots of help these days, let's get back to what the HSBBW is all about.
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Tiger Paw Mom - Who made you the HS Baseball Web editorial editor? I could care less if I sound credible or not. I have had private messages with limom already as well as several other posters who agree with me. I have never condoned taking the "sit back" and wait approach. I support a plan, but if you took the time to read my posts you would understand that this whole situation got out of hand because I criticized TRhit for advertising his wares on this board - this board was not intended for someone to solicit business. Further, the emphasis some organizers put on showcases is misleading. In re reading your post, I don't know what you are talking about? Who is Bob anyway?
To answer your question, BOB is the "HS Baseball Web Editorial Editor"! Sorry, can't take credit for that.
You might want to speak with him about your feelings about TRhit and College Select Baseball, I do believe one of the sponsors of this site(someone correct me if I am wrong). Go to "recruiting questions" Forum, look at the top.

Oops, you might have missed that. You also might have missed that I never disagreed with what you said about showcases,etc. If you have problems with business solicitations, speak with the "head honcho" about it in a private message.
I hope that Buddy remains as well, he just needs to take his argument somewhere else for now.
End of discussion, let's get back to topic!
Last edited by TPM

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